Chapter Six-Ghosts

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Chapter Six


Emily-Rose's P.O.V

Pale curtains fluttered back and forth through the wind. I touched the growing lump in my throat, frozen against a scene I couldn't wash away from my memory. Mom and dad were sitting at the dinner table, but they weren't eating dinner. It just sat there on the mahogany table, frozen between them and getting cold. Dad blocked out the world behind a gray newspaper and my mom was staring at her laptop screen. Tears sprang to my eyes. It never used to be like this.

I stumbled forward hesitantly, on wobbly knees. The door was right there-so close. If I could just-

A cold hand wrapped around mine, stopping me.

"Emily-Rose-you know you can't." he spoke firmly. I flinched before squeezing my hands into fists. I whipped around to face Justin and he stared back at me coldly, eyes blue and hard.

"This is your fault. All. Your. Fault!" I screeched, assaulting his chest with my fists. He gripped my shoulders but I knew the pain meant nothing to him. He was much older- much stronger and faster than me. A painful wheeze escaped my lungs as I involuntarily collapsed against his chest.

"I hate you-you did this to me. I want my life back-I just-it's not fair." I cried shakily, breaths escaping between every word. The pain was insurmountable. I couldn't compare it to anything I had ever felt before. I just knew that standing there and staring at a life I could never have, knowing that I could never comfort my parents...what was the point of living?

"You know you can't let your parents see you because if they did you would open them up to a world of danger. It's better for them to think you're dead; which you are." He explained calmly, straightening my shoulders. I shook my head slowly, tears gathering in my eyes.

"I don't want this-please-I don't-want this..." I begged, but there was no going back. I was now a fully-fledged vampire . . . and not just any old vampire. Justin told me that I was a new sort of vampire. A vampire created using sacrificial magick. I didn't know what it was, but it sounded pretty damn evil to me. He gripped my shoulder tightly, dragging me away from my parents; my life, my home.

"You got what you you'll come with me." He spat cruelly.

"I regret not killing you." I told him spitefully.

"We were planning it you know, Peyton and I." I didn't mention Matt's name, not wanting Justin to even think about him. I wasn't going to have him blackmailing me through my boyfriend. I swallowed the lump in my throat at the memory of what had occurred the other night. When-when I found Matt.

Justin was teaching me to hunt. 

He said there were certain tricks vampires used on humans. I didn't want to do it-but if I didn't he said he would hurt my family. He said it was a necessary part of becoming a vampire and I just-I went along with it. All the while the guilt was gnawing holes through my chest.

The lights glowed brightly on the road, and I knew it was time for me to intercept it. I didn't believe Justin at first-when he said it wouldn't hurt. I froze as the car came hurtling towards me at an incredibly fast speed. My heart-rate shot through the roof and my limbs became paralyzed with fear. Seconds later my skin collided with cold metal and I was dumbstruck as I watched my arms cause the mouth of the vehicle to cave in. My cheeks paled in horror as I read the license plate-because it was Matt's. I didn't know what to do. Justin was watching. My pulse beat frantically as I knew I had to go through with it.

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