Chapter 2

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I packed up as quickly as I could and ran off to my next class, not wanting to see my sister.

(Time skip)

It was lunch time and everyone was heading out to lunch. I went out and met Hong Kong in my usual spot. We sat down on the seats and started eating.
"Hey look, that new girl is getting so much attention." He said pointing behind me. I looked behind me and there was my sister with a bunch of people around her. Wow, she's probably bragging to them or something I thought to myself.
"Do you think she'll be popular?" Hong Kong said looking at the crowd of people around her.
"Pfft, probably not."
"She's more popular then when I came here."
"You were a year seven. Obviously, everyone was unpopular and nerdy when they came here."
"Yeah, I guess we remained that way."
"Whatever, I don't even want to be popular." I was just to good to be "popular." I turned my head back again and started doing some English homework since I had English next period. Just then my sister came up to me and sat beside me.
"What are you doing? Can't finish your homework?" She said teasing me.
"What? Why are you here? You can't sit with us!" I said, moving over and looking at Hong Kong while he looked at my sister. Eww, he looked at her like he had a crush on her or something. I didn't want Hong Kong to turn into my sister. I bet she came here to turn everyone into her so she could annoy me even more.
"Why not? Is it because I'm too popular?"
"Is it because you want your friend all to yourself? Or boyfriend, whatever."
"We're not dating! Eww, and why do you care? Do you want to date him or something?"
"No, not really, it's just that everyone else here is weird and creepy so I'll hang out with you guys,"
"Why are you so obsessed with me?" Seriously though, why wouldn't my sister leave me alone. This was so embarrassing.
"I'm not obsessed with you. Why would anyone be? You just look so lonely and unpopular."
"Or maybe you were lonely and that's why you came to sit with me and Hong Kong."
"I'm not lonely, all those people wanted me to sit with them before. But they're annoying. And weird and creepy." I sighed, I couldn't handle hearing my sister talk on and on. She was going to use Denmark liking her as an excuse to brag. So I decided to end the conversation and stop talking to her. Thank god she shut her mouth and stopped talking, but I couldn't get rid of her. If I told her to go away anymore Hong Kong would probably get pissed at me or something and then I would be a loner. Not like I cared anyway. I'm so used to being antisocial. But I didn't want to start a massive drama so I kept quiet and finished my English work.
"Jeez, how long did that take you?" Norway suddenly said out of no where once I finished and  closed my book.
"I did that quickly! What are you talking about?"
"That took you almost the entire lunch time to finish and there's literally three minutes until the bell."
"How the hell do you know when the bell rings?"
"Finland told me." Of course he did. He tried to be as friendly and nice to everyone. Even that guy Sweden who just stared at people creepily and never spoke. That must be why they were friends.
"Is he your new friend or something?"
"No, I don't want to be friends with him. Or his friend."
"Yeah of course you don't. You think you're much better than everyone else."
"I can't help that everyone's jealous of me." Wow what a bragger, I thought to myself. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Whatever," I said as I began to stand up and head to English because the bell had just rung and and everyone was getting up to go to their classes. I walked off, wondering if my sister was stalking me or not. And where was Hong Kong? I turned around to see if he was behind me. And he was, but he was talking with my sister. What the actual hell? I kept walking pretending like I hadn't seen them. Eventually he would see how annoying she could be and would come to talk to me. I took a seat at the back of English class, not my usual spot. They could sit here if they wanted, or they could ditch me and sit in our usual spots. I was testing to see if Hong Kong liked me enough to sit next to me and if my sister was obsessed with me enough to want to sit with me. They entered the classroom and Hong Kong sat down in his usual spot with my sister. Then Hong Kong turned around and gestured for me to come sit with them. But I didn't want to sit near my sister. I remained seated, pretending that I was saving seats for my friends so I didn't look lonely. For some reason though my sister stood up and approached me. What? What was she doing now? Hong Kong was looking at her, wondering why she was coming to sit with me. I clearly had my hand on the desk next to me though, but she took out the chair and sat there anyway.
"H-hey! This seat if for some-"
"No it's not, you have no friends."
"Rude.." I said as I looked at her while she looked at her nails. "Why you sitting here anyway? Aren't you busy with your new friend Hong Kong?"
"Nah, he's kinda strange, I'll just here for now until you can get some of your own friends."
"Don't say that about Hong Kong! He's my best friend, you don't understand. And I do have friends."
"Not as many as me." She said as Denmark ran to get the next next to her and started flirting with her. Eww, this was so gross. I can't believe I have to see one of my classmates flirt with my sister like this. Then Finland came along with Sweden and they sat down next to Denmark. Finland was trying to talk with my sister and be his usual polite self while Sweden just creepily stared at me from the end of the row. Great, now my sister had brought over all these weirdos to sit with us and Hong Kong was sitting far away from me. The teacher walked in then and began to start the lesson. This was probably the worse lesson yet. I had my angry English teacher yell at me while we were studying the most boring book ever, my sister constantly talked and Denmark constantly flirted with her, Finland was trying way to hard to be friends with her, Sweden was staring around the room creepily and Hong Kong was sitting far away from me. Finally the bell rang and the two periods of English were over. But our English teacher had given us so much homework to do overnight. I'd have to work all day and night just to finished it. I packed my bag walked out the door.

New student (Annoyed!Fem!Iceland X Fem!Norway) (MeanGirlsHetaliaCrossoverSortOf)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant