Chapter 5

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(Dinner time)
I went downstairs and saw my sister in the kitchen. What was she doing now? Preparing some steak and wine again using my martini glass? But she was actually making lasagna. Why? She couldn't cook. I'v never seen her cook in my life so why the hell was she cooking now? Was it to show off her cooking skills? This isn't Master Chef, jeez.
"Why are you making lasagna?" I asked, prepared for her bragging.
"Because, I can make the best lasagna ever," she replied in her usual bragging tone.
"Yeah, of course you make the best lasagna ever." I said sarcastically.
"Yeah, well, I'd like to see you cook for once."
"What do you mean me cook for once? I always cook. You're the one who never cooks. And by the way my cooking is the best."
"Well how about you cook for us tomorrow, if you think you're so good."
"Yeah, sure. I'll make the best dish ever!" I said, agreeing to this challenge. I guess this really was turning into Master Chef. And I'd probably win as well if we were on the actual show. Just then my sister took the lasagna out of the oven and started serving it.
"Here," she said as she handed me a plate and fork. "If you don't think this tastes good than you're retarded."
"Fine then," I said as I sat down at the dining table and started eating it. When I took the first bite it actually tasted quite nice. But I could cook way better. She sat down beside me and started eating her food as well.
"What do you think?" She asked me.
"It's....ok, but I can do better."
"You seem to be loving it. You don't have to lie you know."
"What? I'm not lying! I said it was ok. But I can cook better, so prepare for tomorrow."
"Sure, whatever. But admit first that you love this."
"Yes, come on,"
"Ok fine, it tastes...better than average I guess. But that's only because you used my ingredients."
"Still, it's the best, because I cook the best." I sighed once again at my sister's annoyance and bragging. I'd just remain silent for now, I just wanted to finish my meal and get as far away from my sister as possible. Once I was done I got up and went to take a shower. There's no way I'm letting my sister sleep in my bed again. I ran upstairs and got into the shower. After I fired off I put on my pyjamas and brushed my teeth. Then I ran to my bedroom. My sister wasn't anywhere to be seen in my bedroom. Yes! I thought to myself. I got into bed and turned off the light, prepared for a good sleep in my own bed. I drifted off into a sleep, hearing no noises from my sister at all.

The following day I woke up. It was about seven in the morning or something. I tightened my arms around whatever I was hugging and was prepared to fall asleep again when I though, what the hell am I hugging? I opened my eyes only to see my sister sleeping right beside me. What?! How the hell did she get into my bed without waking me up? And why did she have to sleep in my bed? And why was she wearing my pyjamas? Well, at least she was wearing pyjamas unlike last time. But couldn't she sleep on the couch. I got out of bed, the tried waking my sister. Eventually she woke up.
"Huh? Oh, good morning." She said sleepily while rubbing her eyes and then yawned.
"Get up! It's almost ten past seven! And get your own bed! And pyjamas." I yelled at her.
"Ok, ok jeez." She slowly got out of bed, looking like she was in some other world or something.
"Why were you hugging me in your sleep?" I asked her, thinking that it was weird.
"You were hugging me, what are you talking about?"
"That's only because you were hugging me! Why were you doing that?"
"Because I left my pink bunny at home." What? Was she serious? She needed her pink bunny to get to sleep? Wow, wasn't she like an adult now? "Well, that's why I was hugging you, so why don't you tell me why you were hugging me?"
"I told you, because you were hugging me!"
"That's not an excuse, you were probably hugging me because you're a baby."
"What? I'm not a baby! You're the baby here, sleeping with a pink rabbit!"
"Yeah but at least I can admit to that unlike you."
"But I only hugged you because you were hugging me! It's natural." Norway didn't reply. She got her clothes for the day and walked out the door into the bathroom. Well then, at least I could get dressed now. After I was done getting dressed, ran downstairs to see what I could eat for lunch. The only thing I saw in my fridge was the left over lasagna that my sister had cooked last night. Well I didn't have time to look for anything else. I took some and put it in a container. Then I took an apple since that was the only recess I had. Seriously I need to go shopping. When I was done doing this I took out my cereal and milk and started eating. I usually always had cereal and milk for breakfast. It may not be the fanciest breakfast but it's the fanciest cereal I can buy. When I finished eating I took my brush and started brushing my hair. I hadn't brushed it yesterday so it looked like a mess. While I was brushing my hair, I called out to my sister.
"What's taking you so long?" I shouted from downstairs.
"Hang on, I'm taking a shower." A shower? A fucking shower now? In the morning when yesterday we were almost late for school? She could have had it last night! Why now?
"Hurry up then!" I yelled back and finished brushing my hair. I looked in the mirror then. My hair looked good so I was ready to go. My sister then came downstairs and started making some coffee. How long was I going to have to wait for her today? Whatever, as long as I don't need to stress out while running to school it should be fine. She managed to finish her coffee quicker than yesterday and then we headed to school together.

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