Chapter 3

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I walked out the door and waited or Hong Kong. Hopefully he wasn't hanging out with my annoying sister and he was going to walk home with me. He came out of the classroom and started walking with me. Luckily my sister wasn't here and I could walk alone with my best friend. We left the school gates and walked down the footpath. 
"Why did you sit next to her and not me?" I asked him, slightly pissed.
"Because she seems nice, and why didn't you sit with us?"
"She's so annoying, and she's not nice! She moved away from you."
"Yeah, because she's nice and she doesn't want you to be alone."
"She said you were weird and that's why she moved spots."
"Oh..." He said, he knew why she would think that.
"Yeah, exactly. So hang out with me instead. I knew she was mean, before she even came to this school."
"It's embarrassing, don't worry about it. But she's mean so stay away from her."
"Alright, thanks by the way..."
"For what?"
"For telling me what she said about."
"Well, you are my best friend, obviously."
"Yeah, you're my best friend to."
"Yeah...anyway, I'll see you tomorrow," I said as he started walking to his house.
"Bye," he said and went into his house. I sighed and continued walking to my house. Thank god I didn't have to see Norway for the rest of the day now. But I would have to go home and do all my stupid English homework. At least I wouldn't have my sister constantly bugging me and telling me I was so slow. I walked into the gate of my house and up the stairs to my front door and got out my keys. I opened the door and walked inside, relieved. Just as I walked inside I saw my annoying sister sitting on the couch on her phone and making her self at home.
"What the hell are you doing in my house?!" I yelled, so pissed. "Get out!"
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'll be staying here. I mean I would be staying at my mansion since it's a million times better than this place that you call a house, but my mansion's all the way in Norway."
"You can't stay here! I didn't say you could."
"I don't care what you said, I'm your older sister and I can do what I want."
"Ugh." I said and I walked up the stairs to my room to start doing my homework. I couldn't argue with my sister all day, otherwise I would never get my English homework done and  I would probably get a detention from my stupid English teacher. I sat down at my desk and took out my novel and sheet and started reading the questions. Once again these questions made no sense to me. I started looking through the pages of my book to try find the answer to the first question. After about three hours I had done half of my English homework. I walked down stairs to get some food. It was around dinner time anyway. I walked into the dining room and my sister was there, sitting down eating a really expensive steak and drinking red wine in a martini glass. What the actual hell? Was she trying to show off how rich she was by eating all this fancy food and drinking wine?
"You want some of this expensive steak?" She said to me, trying to seem nice but was obviously bragging.
"No, I'm fine thanks." I said and walked off to see what I had in my kitchen. I wanted to prove to my sister that I was richer than her and could eat fancier food than her. I walked out the door with my most expensive purse and went to a fancy restaurant. I went to a restaurant that sold the fanciest steak ever and with champagne. Once I got my food served I took a picture and posted it on Instagram so that everyone including my sister would see how rich and fancy I was. I started eating my dinner then along with my champagne. After I finished I went back home and wanted to see if my sister would be jealous of me.
"I saw you got some steak or whatever," she said when I walked in the door.
"Yeah, it was so nice, and tasty, and the best."
"You probably used up all your money on that steak and champagne just so you could post a picture and get more followers on Instagram or something. I'm sorry if you're jealous of the amount of followers I have."
"What?! I have a million followers! Why would I be jealous of you?"
"Because I have five million followers." She said to me and held up her phone to show me her profile and how many followers she had.
"Whatever, you probably spend all your time on Instagram and nothing else."
"Yeah and you spend all your time doing simple homework which takes me five minutes to do."'
"Oh crap," I said running upstairs realising I still had the other half of my English homework to do. I would be so screwed unless I did it right now. I sat down at my desk and tried finishing my homework, but ended up falling asleep. The next morning I woke up, remembering that I actually never finished my homework. I looked for my book, but couldn't find it anywhere. Did my sister take it? She probably did.
"Lucia! Where the hell did you put my book?!" I yelled from my room. I walked downstairs to try find her. She was sitting at the table, drinking some coffee with my book next to her. "Why the hell do you have my book? Give it back!"
"Just checking to see if you finished your homework. Looks like you didn't."
"Just give it back I barely have any time to finish it." She eventually gave it back to me which only left me five minutes to do it. Luckily I only had one question left and I actually managed to finish. Then I put my book my book in my bag and ran out the door before my sister stopped.
"You're not seriously going to leave without me? That's so rude."
"What? Why should I wait for you? And why don't you hurry up for once?"
"I have to have my coffee."
"Just bring it with you, Jesus." Eventually my sister finished her stupid coffee and we went to school. I honestly don't know why I waited for her. I guess I just didn't want to seem like a bitch.
"Ugh, there's only like, three minutes until school starts, can't you walk faster?!" I said getting more pissed at my sister.
"We'll be fine, Jeez. Well at least I'll be since I'm a new student and they probably don't expect me to be on time."
"What? You're making me late purposely? Are you serious?!"
"Ugh, fine, I'll walk faster, but stop being such a rude little sister."
"Rude? What? Fine, whatever. Just go faster." She started to walking a bit faster and eventually we made it to school, the bell literally ringing when we walked in the gates. Then I ran to my period which was maths. I made it to class and sat next to Hong Kong. My sister then just walked in casually like she wasn't late or anything.
"Ok class, today we'll be taking a maths test." The teacher announced and I started to feel sick. What? What maths test?! I was going to fail! The teacher started handing out the tests and then put up the times on the bored of when we would start and finish. We only have thirty minutes to do fifty questions what the hell? Of course I was struggling during the test. I tried to look at my sister's answers but her arm was covering it and the teacher would probably see. I tried to do the questions but in the end I hadn't even finished half of the paper when time was up. We all had to hand in our tests and I would probably get the worst mark in the class.
"Did you think it was hard?"  My sister said, obviously trying to tease me.
"No, that was easy, I'll probably do well in that test."
"Alright then, but you better show me you test results."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, I know I did well."
"Good for you,"
"And you better show me your test results when you get them back as well."
"Fine," She said and the maths period was over.

New student (Annoyed!Fem!Iceland X Fem!Norway) (MeanGirlsHetaliaCrossoverSortOf)Where stories live. Discover now