Chapter 4

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My sister had once again come to sit with me which was so annoying. When she came to sit with us Denmark came to sit next to her which was worse. He started asking her how the test was and then once again started flirting. Which was eww. What happened me and Hong Kong only? Then Denmark just randomly started talking to me and asking how I did in the test.
"Did you find that test hard Emily?" He said in his usual annoying voice.
"No, that was so easy. What about you though?"
"I don't know...some of it was hard but some of it was easy. Anyway that was just some stupid test."
"But Lucia said it was so easy and she'll probably get full marks or something." Oh my god had my sister been bragging to Denmark about that test.
"Yeah, well, it's just maths. Nothing hard or anything." She said randomly just as I was about to say something. So rude but whatever. I moved over to Hong Kong and tried to ignore them.
"They're so annoying," I said to him quietly and he agreed. We decided to get up and move. We moved to the canteen area where there were tables and seats and sat down there. My sister had been at this school for only a day but it felt like forever.

(Lunch time)
Once again me and Hong Kong went to sit in our usual spots. My sister just had to come as well. Jesus Christ I guess this is how it would be for the rest of the year. I opened my bag and took out my lunchbox, but I had forgotten to pack my lunch because I had to finish my homework. Wow just wow like seriously. For some reason my sister handed me half of her sandwich since it was cut into two pieces. She probably only did this so everyone would think she was a nice person. I wanted to refuse but I was so hungry at this point I just took it and ate it.

(Home time)
I grabbed my bag and told Hong Kong to hurry up. I wanted to get home quicker than my sister and lock all the doors so she wouldn't go into my house. Like seriously she acted like she owned my house. We walked quicker and usual and once Hong Kong had went to his house I ran the rest of the way. When I got home I locked the door. I looked around and couldn't see my in the living room and dining room. Thank god. I got out my science book and walked upstairs to my room to complete the science work our teacher had set for us. It was going to be another boring afternoon. I walked up to my room and opened the door, only to see my sister sleeping in my bed. Sleeping in my fucking bed. What the hell? Who did she think she was? And how did she get in my house quicker than me? So rude.
"Hey! Get out of my bed!" I yelled at her, so pissed off.
"Hmm? Oh hi, you know it's kinda rude to wake people up from their sleep."
"What?! And you don't think it's rude to sleep in other peoples' beds?"
"I slept here last night, when you fell asleep at your desk. So it's my bed."
"That doesn't make it your bed you idiot! Get out." I took the blanket that she was sleeping under and pulled it off. I was jus about to pull her out of my bed but she was lying in my bed almost naked. Like what? Gross. I just ran out the door. Whatever, she can have my bed, I just don't want to see that again. At least she didn't wear her dirty clothes in my bed. But she could have put on some fucking pyjamas. Well, at least she wasn't completely naked, that would have been a disaster.
"Get out of my bed and put some damn clothes on!" I yelled from outside my door.
"Ok, ok, Jeez. Why did you even freak out like that? Are you a lesbian or something?"
"What? No! I don't like anyone Jeez. I'm just surprised you can't even put pyjamas on."
"I forgot them at home." What? What?! Is she serious? She can't even remember to bring pyjamas? How stupid is my sister?
"Whatever, just put something on and get out!" Eventually she came out in her usual navy blue sailor outfit and went downstairs. Then I ran in my room and locked the door. I sat down and opened my science book and started doing the questions. I managed to finish my science homework faster than usual. I was feeling hungry after I finished my homework so I went downstairs into the kitchen. My sister was sitting down at the dining table doing her homework as well. I thought she had finished it in science or something. And she calls me slow?! How rude. I took out an ice cream and sat down on my lounge and took out my phone. I still had one million followers but I needed to get to five million like my sister. I checked her Instagram and now she had
5.084 million followers. What? Who the hell were these people? Whatever, she's had her account for so much longer than me. I finished my ice cream and went back to my room.

New student (Annoyed!Fem!Iceland X Fem!Norway) (MeanGirlsHetaliaCrossoverSortOf)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt