when the world had you || 1

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my life is no longer the same

now that you aren't in it.

the nights are lonelier

without your tender words

keeping me up late.

the sunrise isn't as

spectacular as when

i saw it with you by my side.

the days seem to go on and on

now that i stand alone

in this treacherous world.

i feel the toxin from

the alcohol seep into my veins,

making me slowly forget about reality.

cocaine stains my chapped lips,

cigarettes turn my lungs into ashes and tar,

but the memory of you sticks in my mind.

i always awaken with the tears

that i cried myself to sleep

the night before.

life is unusual now that you

aren't part of it.

nothing feels right.

it feels as though i

played a piece of music incorrectly,

or i forgot how to breathe.

my existence doesn't seem to matter to me.

i don't care if i'm alive;

but yet, i am not tempted to feel death.

my mind is long gone, and yet

i still remember fragments of our time together.

before you died.

but even after my sanity has diminished,

i still think the world was better

when you were in it.

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