when the world had you || 3

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the people of our town spread rumors,

they say i killed you on purpose.

it was never my intent to let you die,

i was only trying to flush out

the innocence's that blinded you.

you let faith guide you for so long,

when what you really needed,

was a pair of eyes to see for yourself.

i whispered words that were filled with

greed, desire and shame;

in hopes of corrupting your naive mind.

but now i know not to

do those wicked things,

i only know when it's too late.

my foolish heart tries to convince me

that you would not be content

if you were to see me now;

drowning myself in liquor

alone on the train tracks,

the same place where you perished.

but my mind whispers that you

would be satisfied to watch me

relive lingering memories.

all i feel is pain,

when i'm awake in the world without you,

and when i'm asleep with you in my dreams.

the dreams of you and i

should pleasing,

but instead they are the opposite.

they remind me of the future

we will never have.

the shattered dreams of us.

once upon a time,

we were on top of the world,

i felt like i was unstoppable with you by my side

but since you've been gone,

i feel as though my body was buried six feet under

and my soul sent to hell.

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