when the world had you || 8

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i watched the blood escape

my venomous body through

a single cut.

it was the same color

of yours.

crimson red.

i clutched my arm

as i felt tears

roll down my face.

i remembered

the night once again.

i hear a scream,

your scream.



with the dead.

whenever i see

your name,

it brings me pain.

the memories of

you and me

are being sweep away by agony.

i begin to forget

certain phrases

or things you did

i begin to forget you,

but that doesn't mean

i cannot move on from you.

you haunt me

in my dreams,

i wake up in sweat.

you linger in the

memories of

this town

but the dead

never come back


the sight of blood from

an accidental cut takes

me back to the that evening

as the tears

roll down

my face

i remember that the world

was kinder to me when

you were still alive.

When The World Had YouWhere stories live. Discover now