when the world had you || 10

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i miss you.

i mean it.

i crave for your touch;

your soft delicate hands holding

my rough hands

i want your

arms to hold me

like a child.

i need to hear your voice,

your calm voice telling me

that everything is okay

your eyes

staring into

my pitiful soul.

i want to breathe in your scent

as we give each other

a warm embrace

i would trade my life if

it meant that you

would be alive.

i would blind myself,

or even travel across

the world;

if it meant that

you would be


if i don't get

to even be with you,

i won't mind too much;

if it meant that

you would be


i'm sorry that i neglected you

and was not a true friend.

i want to

make it up to you,

but i can't

because your dead.

you can't move your limbs

or smother me with words.

but if your soul is here

at the train tracks,

then listen to these three words.




i have told you many times before,

but i mean it not in a sisterly way;

but rather romantically.

i love your eyes

and how they

twinkle in the dark.

i love your

loving nature

towards the world.

i love your reaction

to the color yellow;


i love your

weirdly shape birthmark

on your neck.

i love how you

triple check everything

before doing anything else with it.

i love you,

because you were the first person

in this town not to judge me

i love you,

because you cared for me,

and tried to stop me from being insecure.

i love you,

because you were

just you.

and my love

for you

will never change.

just like how you'll stay

dead and buried in

the ground,


i won't forget you.

i won't let

go of the memories we created.

the history of you and me

will linger in the minds of

everyone in this prejudiced town.

and i am

grateful for being

your best friend.

even if you could

never love me

like i do.

i love you,

and nothing in the world

could change that my love.

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