Chapter 17

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After dinner, Dan offers to go to the movies, but Beth declines.

"You okay? You're a little pale," Dan sounds concerned.

"Yeah, fine. Just a headache, I'm probably coming down with something."

"Alright, you want to come back to mine, or drop you off at home?" Dan asks, reaching for his keys.

"Could you drop me at home? I don't want you to get sick," she asks, sliding into the car.

"Of course. Have you got a temperature?" Dan reaches over and feels her cheek, which is surprisingly cool.

"I'm fine Dan. Just a bit worn out. Don't stress muffin."

Dan smiles at her endearment, and starts the car.

Beth's apartment is only ten minutes away, and in these ten minutes Beth manages to fall asleep. Dan doesn't want to wake her, so he carries her to the apartment, bridal style. At the entrance, he slips off her shoes, and then carries her to the bedroom. Her bed isn't made, so he places her gently onto her back and pulls the blanket up to her chin. At the door, he turns back and looks at Beth's sleeping face. Feeling suddenly very Edward Cullen-like (his sister had forced him to watch the movie) he moves out of the room and shuts the door quietly. He turns all the lights off, but leaves the light on in the kitchen, the way Beth likes it.


When Beth wakes the next morning, her headache is completely gone. She texts Dan, thanking him for last night and letting him know that she feels better. Dan is a worrier, and she doesn't want him to stress.

When she climbs out of bed, she realises that she's still in her dress from last night, and it's all crumpled. Her hair is a rat's nest, and her neck is sore. She takes off the dress, groaning as she lifts her arms. She puts the shower onto the hottest temperature she can stand and climbs in, sighing as the warm water kneads out the knots in her sore neck. She scrubs her body with an exfoliating glove and soap until her skin is red and tingling. Next, she washes her hair, wincing as she brushes the tangles out.

When she gets out of the shower, she feels like a new person. Her skin is smooth and for once her hair is free of knots. She pulls on a pair of black leggings and one of Dan's t shirts.

She braids her hair and leaves it down, willing it to dry at least semi-normal. She goes to the kitchen to make coffee. Just as she's pouring the milk into her mug, her doorbell rings, making her jump, dropping the saucepan and spilling hot milk down her leg.

"Oww shit!" She swears colourfully as she hops over to the door and opens it, to find a slightly concerned looking Dan.

"What happened? I heard a clatter and quite a bit of swearing. Are you okay?"

"You scared the shit out of me and I spilt hot milk down my pants," she says, not too nicely.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry!" Dan says, coming in and shutting the door behind him.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt anymore, but I spilt milk on the floor and on my leggings. You mop up the floor, I gotta get changed," she directs.

Dan nods and moves into the kitchen while Beth marches grumpily to her bedroom.

Beth's frustration increases further when she realises all her pants are in the wash. She pulls on a pair of boxers and stalks into the kitchen. Dan catches sight of her and raises his eye brows.

"Don't say a word," Beth warns.

"Nope. All good," Dan raises his hands innocently.


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