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"Victor Von Doom. Can't say it is a pleasure to see you, but it is a surprise."

"I don't doubt that, former God of Evil."

"Finally rid yourself of that ghastly cape, I see. This new attire is appreciated."

"Of course. It's green. Metal, and green. You have a serious fetish for it, I tell you." Charlie retorted sharply, crossing her arms and thinking how they could possibly get themselves out of this.

"Enough senseless chatter," Doom waved a hand dismissively, ignoring both of their remarks. "Hand me the Tesseract."

"And? Do you honestly think me to be that weak?" He shifted the scepter in front of him defensively. "You won't get off that easily."

"So be it." Doom growled and released a mystical blast from his hand, which Loki blocked by using the scepter.

Charlie gasped when another blast nearly knocked him off of his feet and she ducked to avoid being hit by a second. Over the next several minutes, hours to her, Doom had managed to leave Loki trembling and bloody - though he was still standing. It seemed Doom barely registered a good portion of Loki's own strikes, even with his formidable strength; Doom always evaded an attack with his own tenfold.

Loki is almost as agile, and thanks to extensive training on Asgard, just as skilled in combat, though after a series of nerve attacks, Doom was indeed a villian to be reckoned with. He was relentless. Worse, the Tesseract failed to put Doom under mind control. Since Loki can't directly read minds or control people, he can for the most part, predict his opponent's next move.

Charlie noticed the force-field that kept them safe was weakening, she needed to think of a plan to help quickly, since staying out of the fight was proving useless. Evidently Doom's armor was resistant against the severe heat.

Doom managed to pin Loki onto his back using an ensnaring spell, both were panting from exertion, but clearly this was more evident with Loki. "Give up, Slivertongue. We could be here all day. Even being half the 'God' you think you are, you make a pitiable match for me."

"Hey Doom, anyone ever tell you to get a life?"

He completely ignored her comment, and empathized this by breaking several of Loki's ribs, all of which she heard with a nauseating snap!

This is ridiculous, there has to be a better way...think, Charlie, you've taunted people who didn't like you before, how hard could this be? Well, it got you a broken nose but still... didn't Loki say something about him being a genius? Yes, that's it!

"All right, but why haven't you conquered the world yet, preferrably a world as pathetic as Earth? Considering you ARE a genius, no?"

Doom ignored her once again, but she could tell by the tenseness of his shoulders that a part of what she said got through.

"Charlotte, stop. I can handle this," He groaned in pain and Charlie thought he was handling the sitiuation marvelously well. Sure. "He will kill you."

"Cease your sniveling, Slivertongue. You have handled nothing."

"So you escaped just for this?" Charlie continued despite his objections and the sudden nausea that overcame her - would this actually work? "Clearly your supposed intelligance hasn't gotten you far over the years!"

That must have done it because Doom turned to her, arms raised for a full attack... when he froze. Literally. He was a statue of frozen ice, eyes locked in a look of pure rage.

"We do not have much time," Loki's voice startled her from her focus on Doom; he winced as he tried to stand and she ran over to help. "Charlotte, grab the Tesseract and think of a safe place to hide, I should be able to help you teleport with some of my magic. You must then take out the Mind Stone, keep it hidden until I find you."

"What about you? If you haven't noticed, we're standing fully in the open on a surface made of lava."

"Not if I use the bit of magic I have left. Doom has weakened me a great deal, but my willpower is not. I need to make sure he doesn't get away."

"Loki, you can hardly stand let alone stop him!"

"Charlotte, I can heal. Now please, will you go?" Charlie hesitated; his voice was almost pleading. She frowned, unsure of his actions until he pushed her aside roughly. "Go. Go!"

Charlie made to grab the scepter, which had been cast aside due to Doom using the ensnaring spell, when she heard a cracking of ice.

"You don't want to do that, my dear." The masked man stated harshly, Charlie watched with wide eyes as the rest of his body continued to melt at a rapid pace.

Loki rushed for the scepter when Doom countered his attack in one swift strike before Charlie barely had time to blink. He straighened and pulled her to him roughly, touching a spot at the back of her neck and causing her body to fall limp in his arms.

"You could have been a great asset to Latveria, but instead you chose to go rouge. You made the wrong choice, Loki," Doom commented smoothly, any traces of anger vanished, and watched as Loki attempted to open his eyes. "Now, I question, what will your unborn child become?"

The small sound of static crackled through the air as Doom teleports is the last thing he hears before unconsciousness consumes him, and despair buries itself into his soul.


A/N: Can you say...DRAMA BOMB. Gosh, I couldn't wait to tell you guys that, lol. I'd really like to see Doom and Loki together, imagine the visual effects if it were a movie? Awesomsauce. But who would win? Or would their egos work as sort of a stalemate? Something to think about. :/

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