01: The Beginning

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Sound of gunshots ricochet and running footsteps haunted on the empty-dark alley. She tried to run faster but her wound at her shoulder making her can't to do so. Blood start to dripping on by one to the floor. She tear a piece of cloth from her shirt so she can stop the bleeding in her shoulder.

Holding tightly the 'package' in her embrace, she clenched her teeth due to tiredness and pain. The situation right now is hectic. Today's mission is should end up smoothly but someone ruined the mission. Luckily she get the 'package'. Soon everything will end. Or so she thought....


Secret Base, XXXXX

(SinB POV)
"are you sure you can do this tonight, SinB." Momo said while giving me the file for the next mission. I give a light rub on my shoulder and I think I'm fine. It just a small wound. As if I never face the worst.

"I'm okay Hirai"

"Its Momo from now on. Remember that." Right. She was right. I'm not supposed to call her real name when we are still in mission.

An organisation of 'Special Organization Agents of Korea (S.O.A.K)'  that's what we're doing. More specifically, an secret agent. Not only both of us but there's a lot more in whole country. We all doing a various kind of mission and only doing a job when someone asked for it. Don't be surprised, some of them even disguised as a singer to complete their mission. And now, some secret based want us to find "The Book Of The 3rd" book that contain a lot of history secret. Whoever it is, I'm sure he/she was a coward researcher. Why he/she can't even find it themselves. But that's okay. Cause we'll get an exclusive price for finding it.

Now the last book will show up on tonight auction, at Seoul Grand Hall. I will get it and end this mission tonight.


(Taehyung POV)
"Namjoon-ah, where is the event tonight?" I said while fixing my necktie. Since 30 years ago,  Namjoon's family has served our family as a butler and now it has been passed to Namjoon. But since he has grown up together along with me so, he was more likely a family rather than just a butler and our age are not that far apart.

"At Seoul Grand Hall sir. And please don't forget to wear you mask. Its masquerade theme event sir."

After a minutes of journey, we've arrived and as soon as I step out from the car, an annoying voice came approaching me.

"Oppa~".Sujeong said and naturally link her arm with me. How can she even find me when I already wearing a mask that almost covering half of my face?. Actually she was my fiancé. On black&white fiancé. My parents and her parents has arranged us together for their business. And I can't reject it since I don't have strong reasons to do so. But in fact, this girl is annoying and clingy and I hate it.

"What are you doing here?" I said as I tried to free myself from her.

"Today's event is under my father charity sponsored. Didn't you read the invitation? " she pouting her lips sulking. Just then my eyes caught someone presence. Someone that I called my 'best foe'. I know him very well.

"Taehyung? Kim Taehyung? " he said.

"Hi there Jeon. " that's him, Jeon Jungkook. We're never get along in a good term since we're little. We will fight against each other in all aspects including our personal.

"Wow easy there fella. I'm tried to be friendly here. By the way long time no see. Did you live well?" He asking me in a sarcastic way.

"Don't worry. My life is always in good when you're not around." I smirk and unofficially we have start to have an eye gazing competition.

"Surely ladies and gentlemen. Now let's start our auction now!" The speaker announced making us to break the intensed immediately.


No one POV

A girl with black dress is heading to place where the auction is held. She silently sit as she was waiting for the thing that she want to show up. Sound of people making a price for the auction can be heard.

"Huh, richers. Always wasted their money for something useless." She muttered silently while watching them.

"Now finally for today's climax. One of the book from "The Book of The 3rd" the announcement make SinB to had a smirk on her face.

People start to place their price for the book. As the price gets higher and higher, suddenly...

"I'll buy it for 10 million won." Jungkook said making everyone to gasp. But that's not for long when Taehyung suddenly raise his number.

"12 million."he said and look to Jungkook with a smirk. Jungkook then raise his plank again. "15 million." And their battle continued until Taehyung suddenly said....

"I'll buy that thing 3 times the price from him " he pointed to Jungkook and everyone gasp at his price for just an old book. But for both them it was the price of their pride. The speaker start to count and at the end the book goes to Taehyung. SinB who was being an observer amazed by small drama just now.

"Impressive." She muttered and leave the scene.


The speaker hand in the book to Taehyung when the event has finished. "Oppa, why you set that kind of price for an old book?" Sujeong said.

"It's not the price of the book. It's the price of my pride." Taehyung explained and browse the content of the book.

When they was just about to leave the place, 4 men wearing black mask suddenly surrounded them trapping them inside. Sujeong was grabbing Taehyung arms tightly as she was so scared because of the strangers presence. Taehyung stayed silent eventhough he was panicked as well. Besides there was no one around at that area.

"Give me the book!!" One of the man yelled. Showing no sign of giving the book to them,.one of the man start to attacking Taehyung. He closed his eyes waiting for the impact but he feels nothing. Slowly,he opened his eyes back and see an unknown girl is preventing the guy from attacking him. He can't see the girl face thanks to the masquerade theme event tonight.

"Go!!" The girl said. Without wasting any seconds, Sujeong ran as fast as she could leaving Taehyung who was still there. Taehyung was amazed by the girl move to fight against the men.

She avoided to the head from the man earlier and spun around, kicking another man who was tried to attack Taehyung from behind. She then skillfully hooked her foot behind another man and knocked him down in blow.

"I said go!!!" The girl yelled in the midst of her fight when Taehyung was still standing there in awe. When realization hit him, he immediately ran and find a place for hiding not far from there. He keep on lurking the fight and the girl who was saving him earlier. Eventhough she had to fight against 4 men, but their fighting skills is different. Suddenly a piece of memory passed through in his mind. A memory from his past.

"Let's go!!" One of the man said and all of them leaving the place afterwards retreating. A minute after that, sounds of footsteps coming from afar. When she was about to leave the place, Taehyung called her...

"Wait!! Thank you. But who are you?" He asked.

The girl smirk. "Don't worry. You'll know me cause we will meet again."she said and ran away leaving Taehyung alone in confusion.

"Oppa!!" Sujeong ran to him with a number of security guards behind. "Oppa kwenchana??" Taehyung nodded and staring at the book that he was holding. Who know that such a book could lead his life in danger.


Hi! First chapter is up. How was it? This is my first time writing this kind of genre. So forgive me for the bad chapter. And don't forget to:

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😀😀😀that was optional....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ



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