06: The New Guy

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Sinb POV:
I REALLY CANT BELIEVE THIS!! Its only a few weeks working with him and its already feel like HELL! Geez, I really didn't expecting that his attitude will be this worse. Where is the Kim Taehyung that I used to know? He seems like a completely different person now. He used to be kind and gentle but now?! 180 degree different person. Just like the north and the south pole. I JUST REALLY CAN'T UNDERSTAND!!

He always ordering me around and even for just a simple task. He even ask me to serve him a coffee, like what?! I'm not his maid to be ordering such a task. As long as I know, I'm his personal bodyguard. PERSONAL BODYGUARD, not his PERSONAL SERVANT!!. Doesn't he know that I already have a plenty of task to do?!.

Right. I never told him my other task. Fool me. But that's not the main point. The point is, why did I even agreed to do this before?!

"Err, miss?.." right when I was messing my hair, someone which is Namjoon opening the office door.

"....er, Namjoon-ssi....w-wwhat's bring you here?" why am I shuttering like this?

It takes a while when Namjoon trying to fix his cardiac vocal a little bit before he speaks.
"Sorry to interrupt miss, err... Master already waiting. He said come out in five." With that Namjoon closed the door with me who still clueless about the thing he said just now.

After a while I think remembered that he asked me to accompany him to meet up with his client today. Not to mention that he already 'prepared' me the thing that I never wear ever since my high school year. A SKIRT. why?! Why he always keep on testing my patience with something that I hate.

A few minutes later...
No one POV:
"Your late miss. Didn't Namjoon tell you to meet me within 5 minutes."
SinB who still haven't stop panting ever since she arrive, smile slyly at him. But her heart says....

Well technically Namjoon only said in five. So it can be five hours or even five days...lol...stupid

"Now is 10.36. Which mean you already late one minute. And with that you're gonna be punish."

Similarly like an evil dictator, Taehyung spat the word without giving a chance for SinB to explain herself. Even SinB was amazed by his ability to talk with a speed like that.


"What? Don't you hear me? You need to be punished missy..." with a sly smile on his face.

"Geez, what nonsense. I just one minute late and you can't just let it go?" SinB try to persuade him but sadly...

"Right, and you will repeat the same or even with the worst mistake? Nope. Never ever I can let that happen."
As a professional 'disguiser' she professionally hold up her anger by pressing her lips together while forming a forceful smile to him.

Feeling that he already win, Taehyung cross both of his arms and legs in front of her. Seeing him like this making SinB amazed how can a person change totally. But the next thing that Taehyung do make SinB even more astonish.

"Do you know Shawing?" He ask.

"The one from 'Larva and Friends In My Embrace' show?" SinB replied.

"Exactly that one."

"What with the character? " SinB who still confuse with the sudden reaction from him.

"You also know the Shawing dance right? I'm sure that you know it. "

"Of course I know. Everybody know th-.... wait a minute. Don't tell me.... "
As if she can smell something 'fishy' from him.

"As expected. You are the only person who know me well." He clap his hand and then put one of his hand to support his chin.

"In your dream... not that easy I will do it just because you asked it. Now let's go. We already late to meet your client. " just when SinB was about to leave, Taehyung threaten her.

"then I will just exposed your identity. I'm curious what will happen next huh?" He said it with an evil grin on his face.

"FINE!.. I will do it. Childish. Even a five years old won't request such a thing" although SinB nagged, Taehyung never lose his smile on his face.

"But with a warn. DON'T YOU DARE TO LAUGH."

"I promise." He said.

(Look at the media above)

Without anyone know, this person heart was already soft and beating fast seeing how adorable a person can be. After 8 years didn't meet, it still beating the same beat. Just like the past 8 years. It didn't change. It just getting stronger.

*Time skips*

A girl coming out from someone Villa. After experiencing an exhausting day with her boss night is the only time she can get her mind and body free. Free from her boss nag and orders. And also free from her bossy boss.

But that isn't long after she saw something suspicious not far from the Villa. A man with all black attire. From his head to toe. Adding to her suspicion, he wearing a mask and talking to someone on the phone. After a while that man leave the Villa.

Due to her instinct she follow the man quietly from behind. From crossing the bridge until he enter the a few dark alley and lastly meeting up an old factory building. There, she can clearly see that 'black man' met with group of  men which she can't clearly seen it.

"Where is this place?" The old smell that coming from the idle factory hurt her nose very much. She take another step closer towards the group of men. When suddenly...


Her shoulder collides with the wooden plank and make it fall to the ground.


"WHO'S THERE?!" one of the man shouts. Knowing that she can't fight alone with that number of guy, she quickly dash out from the old building.


An outnumbered of guy chasing SinB all the way through the alley. Buy due to her luck, she had choose the wrong detour and get stuck at the end of the alley.

"Aww, look at you. You just a sweet little girl...." one of the man said and the others accept it with their evil laugh and grinning.

"Yeah, but after you eat my punch you will never taste the sweetness again" being the brave one she headed toward to the group and start attacking everyone of them. She really tried her very best to dodge and attack every single movement from them.

But she wasn't lucky enough to fight with that numerous number of men when one of them successfully stab her stomach from the back. Not enough with it, she also got scar on her check when she was tried to dodge the knife. Knowing that she won't win fighting against them, she took a chance to climb up the stairs beside her to someone balcony. Finding one of the balcony were unlocked, she barged in. Just as soon on one of the men want to climb up the stairs...

"Stupid, this is our master area. We must keep this safe and sound. You guys stay here, I'll find that bit** inside alone." Said one that wearing coat aside from them. During the fight he just watch it from afar and amazed by the girl skills.

"Wait for it..."

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