Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Mmm...yeah it's this part here. Something doesn't sound right. Listen." Henrietta told Geoffrey as she played the piano in his room.

"Tal vez pienses que estoy loco.
Te confirmo que es así-(Maybe you think I'm crazy. I confirm that I am indeed-)" Prince Royce sung the part Henrietta played.

"What are you doing?" Henrietta cut him off.

"Helping you."

"You can't hear the problem if you're singing."

"Is there something you want to say?"

Henrietta wanted to say thousands of things to him. Most of her questions go right back to his girlfriend. Most of her problems are with the woman these songs are for that she's helping him with. Henrietta sat with her legs and arms crossed looking away from him. Prince Royce was sick of her attitude already.

"Está  chica es loco. (This girl is crazy.)"  Royce muttered in a sigh. "Take a break."

"You haven't seen crazy." Henrietta replied softly to him as he left.

The manager walked in to check on them. When he saw Henrietta sitting by herself he could feel the fight that took place.

"Are you guys still not speaking?" The manager inquired.

"Listen to this." Henrietta told him.

Henrietta played the same piece she played for Royce. The manager stared blankly at her. She played the same part again. Still he said nothing to her. The third time she played it she changed the note to what she thought it should sound like. Henrietta smiled at herself and played the parts from the beginning.

"What fault do I have my love?
Of falling in love with you
Of passing so many nights
Almost without being able to fall asleep
Perhaps you think that I'm crazy
I confirm that I am indeed
It's the brightness in your eyes, baby
Which makes me suffer." Henrietta sung the pieces she played.

Geoffrey emerged from his hiding spot clapping. The manager was just giving her a polite grin.

"Beautiful." Royce complimented her.

"Without your help." Henrietta rolled her eyes and responded.

"I think it's your persistence that helped you. If Royce walked you through each note then what's the point in hiring you?" The manager shared his thoughts.

"I understand." Henrietta said with her head low.

The manager left and Henrietta went to play more of the song. Geoffrey sat quietly watching her figure out what to do. It didn't feel too long ago when he was teaching her how to read music.

"I thought it was fate
Guess I made a mistake
Accusing me of things I didn't do
But I'm a set you straight." Royce sung.

Henrietta hit the G major chord making him stop. She stood furious at her realization of what he was doing.

"You didn't leave me? You didn't break up with me? Are these songs not about your new girlfriend?" Henrietta asked through gritted teeth.

That was the fourth time today that Henrietta got angry at him singing. Now Royce understood why she was so angry. If he sung from Double Vision she thought he was singing about Emeraude. If he sung and older song it brought back painful memories. She's using anger to cover up her sadness.

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