Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

        Henrietta was bitterly cold when she woke up. She found herself without a blanket or pillow. Her last adventure did her some good so doing it again didn't show much harm to her. Getting dress quickly she rushed off ourside into the dark. Maybe she knew what she was doing or maybe she didn't but she found herself in the neighborhood Geoffrey was in at the moment. Henrietta clumsily stumbbled through the snow down the block bitting back the cold. Geoffrey was talking to a pal of his who happened to have family here and was able to tag along with him. The converstation was simple to follow.

"¿A qué hora?" Royce asked.

"...Once." His friend shyly responded.

"¿En el noche?" Royce practically screamed.

        At this point Henrietta had looked up from the loud noise as well as Geoffrey for making it. Their eyes locked on to each other as they met the other half way. She let out a sigh of joy before hugging him. This made Geoffrey worry but felt good to know she had finally opened up to him. This was a big deal he soon noticed. He already played out in his head a scenario of he was too agreeing or not supportive enough by the time they departed. She held his hands as she gazed into his eyes. Royce was sniffling from the cold but the constant sniffling made her self-conscious of her body's scent again. Henrietta ripped her hands cluttching them over her chest again.

"My bad." She muttered.


Her words practically shattered whatever hope he had of getting closer. His smile faded as he worked up a topic in his mind. Henrietta  was clueless to his actual thoughts. She kept imagining in her head he had made a face when she hugged him because she smelled. Most people who are called smelly become clean freaks. Henrietta on the other hand felt worthless and never clean enough. The only difference is it makes her want to clean less.

"Come let's get warm it's cold."  Geoffrey shivered.


Still wrapped in her thoughts she just nodded. They went to his car and turned it on. A sweet sigh escaped both of their mouths in harmony. Henrietta turned her head to watch him as he removed his gloves. Perhaps it's from having no rest in her home but she felt at peace here. Her eyes began to flicker as she fought to stay awake. Royce had already taken off his scarf and gloves.

"Tired?" He whispered.

"Mm..." Henrietta yawned. "Why me?"


The question was a random thought she had already asked. When you are tired your instant thoughts are known to come out.

"You were promoting me." Royce answered.

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