Decade 146: The Great War

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As the sunlight trickles through cracks in the high trees a humongous battle stirs the dimorphodons out of their nest. Spinosaurus charge at each other from other sides of a river. On one side sits the Nomads, the House of Vodon, and the One Percenters they all are known as the Rebellion. The other side of the river sits the Laughing Coffins, the Mob, and Jurassic Ark. Six great leaders who have built their tribes from nothing stand Dino to Dino, gun to gun, each leader risking there tribe for a higher stance in this world. The Coffins had oppressed every small tribe during this time period. So the rebellion was born to free the tribes once oppressed by the Coffins. Skeletons our initial tribe was just being brought up it consisting of two members Tyler the fearful and Ethan the ludicrous. Tyler being ignorant to the situation as ever requested a meet with the leader of the Coffins before the epic battle rose. Tyler mentioned to Ethan an idea to sit at the battle field and collect from the dead bodies. However, the meet was never issued but the two tribesmen witnessed the battle. The Coffins charged toward the Rebellion shots echoed through the river valley. Tyler and Ethan stood there in the bushes watching the slaughter happen. Rifles drop riders from their mounts, spears thrown from the Dino's above shatter armor, and the crunch from the Dino's interfere with a mans sanity. Whomever got dropped from their mount fell into the mouths of Sarcos. The Rebellion seemed to have the upper hand, for the Coffins fled back to the northern sanctuary. However, Jurassic Ark wasn't so fortunate. The Rebellion had an inside man on the Jurassic Ark his name was Jessie the Troublesome. Jessie had set up an improvised explosive for when the Jurassic Ark fled backward they would trigger it and cripple their mounts. With their mounts crippled and most of their tribesmen wounded the Rebellion captured the remaining men and forced them into a prison camp. Tyler and Ethan followed the battle to the Coffins northern base. As they arrived they saw the Rebellion hovering Carbonemys over the base. The Carbonemys shells would take the turrets bullets while men from the Rebellion could drop in behind the turtles without being targeted by the turrets. Hours passed by, Carbonemys lay dead, turrets lay empty, and there lay the base of the Coffins destroyed. The Rebellion had men from the sky and ground swarm the base, while one of their inside men blow holes through the walls letting the ground men inside. The Laughing Coffins were now stationed inside a prison camp laboring a way.

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