Decade 146: Savage Terms

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Tyler could barely see Ethan being drug away by the who random tribesmen. He drew an arrow and then decided to drop it in case he would've hit Ethan. Tyler followed quietly behind the two men knowing that if he didn't find their hideout they would surely kill Ethan. The two men went over the hill to a two small gated wooden house. The house it's self was surrounded by wooden spikes. Tyler took cover behind a few trees while he watched them tie Ethan to a wooden post. Tyler then through the darkness drew an arrow from his quiver noticing Ethan awake. Tyler then shot his arrow, the arrow lucky hitting the fiber rope serving its leash on Ethan. With the rope gone Ethan just has to avoid his capturers and open the gates. As he shot toward the gates a sharp pain traveled up his leg. He had gotten caught in the jaws of a bear trap. Tyler noticed this he ran down the hill and jumped over the wooden spikes. Racing to Ethan he jerks out and hatchet and pries the trap open. Tyler takes one of Ethan's arms and places it over his shoulder. They quickly scurry out to the gates and open them. While leaving Tyler notices a sign that says "Tribe of KC". A couple minutes of walking and they reach their base. Tyler bandages Ethan up and watches for the Tribe of KC to come over the hill. Fortunately they never show. Luckily, the bear trap didn't cut really deep in Ethan's leg. So his leg will heal at its own pace. Weeks pass, Ethan has recovered and is now walking. Suddenly, a Pteranodon carrying a rider lands In Front of their base. He dismounts and walks up to their door and simply knocks. As Tyler opens the door the man hands him some hide and clothing. Ethan, Tyler and the man discuss stories of the past and their recent encounter with KC. They find out that the man is known as Black because of his dark war paint on his mounts and himself. Black is the leader of the Tribe the One Percenters. He told the tribesmen to be cautious of a man known as Savage. Black tells them tales of torture that Savage has committed. Black then offers Ethan a few weapons and food. However, Ethan would have to go with Black to retrieve the stuff.  Black swoops and carries Ethan up above the islands. Ethan then sees a base which his tribe is allied with The Ninety One Crew. Ethan informs Black to set him down at that base while he retrieves the materials. Ethan sets there for a while and then sees a Pteranodon drop a man from the sky. The man opens some sort of parachute and drops inside of Ninety One Crews base. Ethan then looks closer and sees the name Savage tattooed in the mans arm. Ethan then shoots and flare given to him by Black and yells for the Ninety One Crew. Savage grabs out his club and knocks out two members of the Ninety One Crew. Savage rushes toward Ethan, but Ethan had a hatchet on him. The two swing their weapons at one another the hatchet drawn by Ethan scraps the side of Savages face but, Savage hits Ethan's hand with his club causing him to drop the hatchet. Cornered against a group of trees Ethan seems to be at the mercy of Savage. Savage goes to swing but suddenly a huge Spinosaurus leaps out of the trees behind them. Savage turns and runs from the man on the Spinosaurus.

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