Decade 146: Alliance or a trap

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The man dismounts from his mount and walks over to Ethan.
"Excuse me, I am Ann from the tribe of Nomads did he get a good look at you?" Asked the man.
"Yeah, we kind of fought." Ethan replied.
"Just be careful. He'll be tracking you." Said Ann as he hopped back onto his mount.
As Ann stomped off into the distance the tribe of Ninety One Crew snuck up to Ethan and knocked him unconscious with a wooden club. As they pilgrimaged his body a black striped creature swooped down and picked up Ethan's body. Luckily, it was Black from the One Percenters. Ethan awoke a day later. From that day Tyler and Ethan prepared to attack the Ninety One Crew. They spend hours crafting arrows and hatchets. They waited till sunset to make their move after watching the Ninety One Crew leave their base to go gather materials on a different island. As the Ninety One Crew left there raft Ethan and Tyler singled them out one by one. That tribe went from ten people to four. Finally, the Ninety One Crew realized what was happening so, they shot a blue flare into the sky. Suddenly a group of three people in metal armor appeared on a raft. Ethan managed to kill one of the armored soldiers with a bow and arrow. The others noticed and tracked Tyler and Ethan down through the woods. Tyler tripping over a root sprung his ankle. Ethan commenced fire on the approaching men. Eventually Ethan ran out of arrows so, he started dragging Tyler through the woods. They found a shack on the hillside beneath the trees. Ethan drug Tyler into the shack trying to let himself catch breath. Suddenly, a noise came from outside and the door flew open. In the door way stood the figure of a man.
"Why are you in my shack?" Asked the man politely.
"We are being hunted by a group who betrayed us." Replied Ethan.
Suddenly, bushes rattled and tree limbs snap. Seven men surround and approach the shack.
"We know you're in there!" Screamed a man.
"I'll be right back." Said the man in the shack in a hushed tone.
The man opened the door and looked out.
"This isn't them." Said one man to the other.
Before the man in the shack could say anything the soldiers left.
"That was a close one." Said the man closing the door.
"Yeah, thank you for not letting them know we where in here." Replied Ethan with a smile.
"You're welcome to stay a while." Said the man with a smile.
"Oh and the name is Oviside." The man said with a nod.

The Standing Skeletons: The arrival Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora