Decade 146: Wakening Skeletons

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Months after the Great War our two tribesmen run into a small bit of trouble. The two tribesmen Tyler and Ethan are being watched from bushes up above their wooden hut when suddenly Ethan hears a small tree branch snap. He raises his eyes to the giant oak tree above their base. As he stares he sees a small dark haired man crouching beside the tree. Ethan slowly reaches toward his back to grab his spear. Still his eyes stay locked with the man hiding above him. As soon as Ethan's finger tips make contact with his spear he yells to Tyler to get inside the hut and lock the door. As the words left his mouth he chucked his spear. Ethan's spear penetrates the unknown mans fabric stitching him to the tree. Ethan sprints up the hill to the stuck scared man. As they make eye contact the man starts speaking in an unknown tongue. Tyler suddenly rushes up behind Ethan. A few minutes pass by and Tyler translates the conversations to Ethan.
"He says he friendly and wants to be allies." Says Tyler to Ethan
"What language is that and how do you know it?" Asks Ethan confused.
"The language is Fren. I learned it back as a child when we traded with a nearby Fren tribe." Answered Tyler.
"Tell him we accept the alliance." Said Ethan.
Tyler rambles on to the man.
"Before he leaves get his name." Said Ethan.
Tyler nods and then continues rambling.
"His name is Al'fran." Tyler said.
Ethan removed the spear and nods at the man. Al'fran rises from the ground, wipes himself and then leaves.
"What did he say his tribes name was?" Asks Ethan to Tyler.
"He said their called ninety one crew." Answered Tyler.
Weeks pass, Ethan and Tyler are laying out floors for their new shack. Then suddenly arrows rain down from the right side of their mountain. Arrows pierce their hide laying out drying. Ethan grabs a thing of arrows and a bow. He makes Tyler open the door so when he bursts out Tyler can shut and lock it. Ethan rows out of the cover of the house to a nearby stump. He draws an arrow from his quiver and shoots randomly at the hillside. He hears a man yell out in pain. Then the firing stops and he can hear the echo of bushes rustle away from the base.
Days steadily pass while Ethan and Tyler work on gathering supplies for the renovated shack. Suddenly at dusk, Tyler tosses a pebble and hits Ethan. Ethan makes his way to Tyler.
"I saw two men over by the waterfall laying in the bushes starring at us." Said Tyler in a hushed voice.
"Okay, I'll sneak up behind them and you take these arrows and this bow in case they come to attack you." Said Ethan quietly.
Ethan gets in cover produced by the house. He realizes he only has a few moments before total darkness swarms the valley his tribes base lays. "At night they will attack and we won't be able to see them." Says Ethan to himself.
Ethan sneaks up the mountain and around behind the two men as he charges at them they notice him and knock him unconscious.

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