Decade 146: Northern Sanctuary

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After sailing from the island Ethan and Tyler began skimming through the map. The time it would take to travel that far North would take almost five months. Through the beginning of their rafting adventure they made jokes, talked about life, and sung about a future. After a month of smooth sailing they ran upon another raft. Low on supplies they curiously watched the raft and saw the name "A dead horse" carved inside its walls. Slowly swimming up to the raft did they notice its empty bedroom. Climbing through the window they saw a bunch of unlocked chest. In the chest they found enough supplies to last them at least a few weeks. Back on the raft they soon notice a tall metallic structure in the distance. Upon arrival the boys search the building for materials and supplies. Suddenly, a huge shadow of a bird appears hovering over the building. While the bird rummaged through the building Tyler took off in a mad dash to the raft while Ethan was pinned down by the giant bird with a rider. All at once Ethan ran off toward the raft just to be swept off his feet by the mounted bird. "We mean no harm!" Yelled Ethan. "How do I know that?" Chuckled the rider. "How do I know to trust your friend or not?" Smirked the man. "Sir, you have my word." Pleaded Ethan repeatedly. "Okay, and by the way the names Bob." Replied the man with a wide grin.

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