Welcome To Fairytail

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I would recommend watching Fairytail before reading this story because a lot of things might get confusing if you don't.

"Come on Sidney" shouts my exceed Lilac. We have to hurry to the guild and get you signed up. "Ok I'm coming! Calm yourself!" I said running to her. I still couldn't believe I was going to do it. I was going to sign up for the best guild ever...FAIRYTAIL!!!
I ran and Lilac flew to the front gate of Fairytail. It was so cool! I immediately started having second thoughts. "W-Wait I think I'm gonna turn back" I said gulping. "NO WAY ARE YOU CHICKENING OUT OF THIS ONE!!" Lilac screamed grabbing my hand before I could leave.
"B-But I-I'm so...well SCARED!" I shrieked. "What if they don't like me! What if I show off my power and I'm not good enough! What if..." Before I could finish Lilac looked at me sternly and said "Sidney you are not going to give up. You are the dragon slayer of WAR for goodness sakes! There is no way your not good enough. I'm going to open the door in 3 seconds get ready!"
"WAIT NO!!" I screamed. "3...2...1!" Said Lilac then she opened the door. Right away a table was flying towards us! Lilac screamed and hid behind me. Before it could hit us I put out my fist and broke it to pieces. As soon as the wood flew everywhere I saw ALL eyes on me. I blushed insanely and thought 'Wow great job you just made a total fool of yourself!'

Ok guys that was my first chapter and I hope you liked it. Sorry if it stank but I've been wanting to do this for a while. I'll keep working on the next one!

Fairytail's Dragon Slayer Of War!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora