(Short) Battle

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"I have no idea what that means but it sounds AWESOME!!!" Natsu yelled. "Well it's going to take a lot of my energy. Basically I'm going to defy death. Right now Gray's soul is collected inside Solahx's staff. I'm gonna have to do this quickly because I can't make Erza fight him forever." I stated.
"I'm going to have to take Gray's soul from the staff and place it back in him. Janold's wife's soul is probably in there too. We have to get his staff and break it so I can collect the souls and put them back in their original bodies."
     "So here's my plan." I lean in towards the group and tell them my plan. "Alright let's do it!" Wendy smiled. I looked over at Erza and saw that she was loosing magic power which is very dangerous. "Erza requip into your flame empress armor!" I shouted. Erza looked at me confused but did what she was told.
     "REQUIP!" She yelled changing her armor. Solahx looked at me confused. "GO NATSU!" "ALRIGHT!!!" Natsu yelled back. "TRY TO DODGE ERZA!!" I screamed. "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!!" Natsu shouted spewing flames at Solahx.
     Solahx immediately dodged the attack. "Nice try!" He grinned. "GO WENDY!" I yelled. Wendy gathered up the air. "SKY DRAGON'S ROAR!!" She yelled blowing at the surprised Solahx. It missed him. "Ha you missed!" He laughed. Then suddenly the wind bounced off a piece of metal that Happy was holding. The wind directed at Solahx's hand.
His eyes widened as he tried to pull his staff out of the the way. But he was too late. The blast of wind hit the staff causing it to hurl to the ground.

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