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"YOU!!!" Erza yelled slicing at Solahx. Solahx barely dodged it and swept to the side. "My Titania you are quite strong. It's a shame really to take your soul. To fight Erza properly he dropped me on the floor. I rushed over to Gray but it was too late.
Gray's soul was in the staff. I guess I have to use the special technique. I tried to run over to Natsu but I was stopped. "No Sidney do not run away right now." Solahx demanded. He launched more strings at me latching me onto the wall. "SIDNEY!" Natsu yelled trying to bare the pain and get to me. "I'll get her!" Lilac whispered.
Lilac saw that Solahx was too busy focusing on Erza to notice her so she flew silently over to me untying the rope. "Quietly Lilac." I whispered to her. "Of course." She smiled back.
Erza and Solahx were going head to head. Every time Erza hurt Solahx he would hurt Erza. Erza would send him flying across the room with her sword but then she would be the one having a trip to the other side of the room. There was complete rage in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry Erza.." I cried. "I'm done!" Lilac whispered. "Thank you!" I smiled back. I quickly but silently went over to Natsu,Wendy,Carla, and Happy with Lilac behind me. "Are you ok Sidney!" Wendy asked but then collapsed to the ground. "Wendy!" I whisper shouted.
"I-I'm ok." I need you to reach into my pocket. I have some anti-poison magic potions but they need a huge charge of magic energy. I need you to war dragon's roar the potion them give it to Natsu and me. That way we can help you." "Ok!" I smiled with hope. I reached for the potions and grabbed them.
I held them in front of me and yelled. "WAR DRAGON'S ROAR!!" I blasted the potions. Solahx turned to me and his expression darkened. But before he could get to me Erza attacked him again. "Never look away from the battlefield." she mocked. I held the potions to Happy and Carla who gave the potions to Wendy and Natsu. immediately Natsu and Wendy stood up.
Seeing them up and ready made me so happy. Then all at once the pain and sorrow I felt returned to me at the same time causing me to fall to the ground. "I'm so sorry!" I cried. "I've caused so much trouble again! I've let Solahx take Gray's soul, I've made Erza have to fight with rage and anger, I even got you guys poisoned as well as putting everyone in danger! I'll leave the guild immediately if we beat him I'm sorry!"
I suddenly felt something warm embrace me. I looked up with wet eyes and saw that it was Wendy,Happy, Natsu,Lilac and even Carla hugging me. "Don't worry Sidney!" Wendy smiled. "No one wanted to kick you out." "Yeah!" Natsu chirped. "Besides it would be boring without you. None of this was your fault."
I hugged them back and smiled. "I think I know how to get Gray back." "REALLY??!" They all said at the same time. "Yes really. I just need to use the special technique Deathon taught me. Defying Deaths Law."

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