Its Him

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     "The dragon is using opposing magic!" I called to Gray,Erza, and Lucy. "What's that?" Gray asked. "It sounds familiar..." Lucy pondered. "It's a type of magic that allows you to control any type of pain magic that is strong against the opponents magic." I said.
     "Oh I remember reading that in a book!" Lucy exclaimed. "It's one of the forbidden magics right?" "Correct." I replied. "My dragon Deathon told me about it. There's only one way to defeat it. We have to attack it but also avoid its claws or we will experience unimaginable pain." I said facing Natsu and Wendy who were still struggling.
     "Carla,Lilac, and Happy I want you guys to stay with Wendy and Natsu and make sure they don't get even more injured then they already are." I yelled to the exceeds. Happy and Carla were in tears to see their best friends in pain.
     "Wait no I can still fight!" Natsu breathed heavily. "No Natsu you can't!" Gray snapped at him. "WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!!" He growled trying to stand up. He instantly regretted it because the pain increased. "AGGHH!" He screamed in agony.
     "I WONT LET THIS STOP ME!!!!" He shouted. "PLEASE NATSU STOP!!!" Happy cried now clinging onto Natsu tugging at his scarf. "Please stop..." Natsu's eyes widened. "Ok fine.." Natsu sighed flinching from the pain still inside him.
     "Can I just fend off the creatures?" Lucy pleaded. "Sure we actually needed someone to do thy anyway!" I smiled. "Cool I get to test out a new object I bought at the store the other day!" Lucy smiled. "Ok teleportation lacrima bring these disgusting creatures,Loke, and I to the entrance of Fairytail I want to get these things out of their way but I need some help. Promise you'll return?"
     "Of course." I grinned. Lucy smiled back at me. "Teleport!!" She shouted causing a big flash of light. Then they were gone. "Ok Erza and Gray lets do this. Whoever makes my friends suffer will pay." I said glaring at the dragon. "Requip!" Erza shouted almost instantly changing her armor into her black wing armor.
     Barely a second after the dragon launched out at us causing us to all scatter in different directions. It's claw barely missed Gray's torso. "WAR DRAGON'S BLADES OF BATTLE!!!!" I yelled launching the blades at the dragon.
    As soon as the blades impacted on its skin the dragon roared in pain. The blades made many wounds in the dragon. The dragon's eyes soon changed to an angel white. "Ok it's  going to try and hit me with its claws now! He is using peace poison!" I yelled.
    "Ok it's my turn now!" Gray grinned. "ICE MAKE LANCE!!!" He shouted. Big ice lances came out of his hands stabbing the dragon in multiple spots. Once again the dragon roared from the pain and he tried to use his magic. But this time instead of its eyes automatically changing color its eyes flickered.
"It's getting weak!!" I yelled. But soon the eyes turned a bright orange and the dragon clawed at Gray. "ICE MAKE SHIELD!!" He shouted creating a huge shield blocking the claw. But the claw was so big it began to chip at the ice. Erza soon sprinted by and sliced at the dragon's hand with her sword. A huge cut grew on the dragon's claw.
This time the dragon cried out in pain and stumbled back. It extended its wings and tried to fly away. "Oh no you don't!!!" I yelled. "WAR DRAGON'S ROAR!!!!" I yelled releasing a huge amount of magic out. It hit the dragon causing it to fall to the ground defeated. "Yes we did it!" I smiled. Let's hurry and get Natsu and Wendy back to the guild to..."
Before Erza could finish what she wanted to say we heard a laugh. "What?" I looked around in confusion. Suddenly a figure of a man appeared from behind the dragon. "Well done I'm surprised you all aren't dead yet." The menacing voice chuckled. "But isn't that a nice word. Yet. It is a meaning where it didn't happen but probably will." He laughed.
"Who is this maniac?" Gray asked facing me. Gray's eyes widened. I was trembling my eyes wide with fear and my face pale. "Hey Sidney are you ok?" Erza asked clearly worried. " are could this happen!?" I cried.
"Oh that's not a nice way to treat an old friend." The man smiled wickedly. The figure walked out. It was him. I fell to my knees in fear. "Sidney who is he? What did he mean by friend?" Natsu asked while laying on the floor.
     "Oh Sidney and I go way back!" He smirked. "Oh she never told you. What a pity I guess I'll tell you myself then. You see Sidney here and I used to be very close friends. She was helping me in my plan of world resurrection. We were going to start a new wonderful world where the strong thrived and the weak died."
     His eyes flickered as he smiled. "I should say my name right. Well I'm Solahx. Sidney was actually my partner. We used a magic called body transformation object where Sidney would become my beautiful death scythe and we would frolic around collecting souls for my monsters. Sadly one day Sidney left me because she thought it was "wrong" somehow. How silly of her because when she made new friends and joined a guild I wiped out the whole guild clean leaving nothing but Sidney herself."
     Everyone turned to me and to their horror my eyes were filled with tears. "You monster!!" Wendy shouted. "Me a monster? No no no of course not I was... helping her." He grinned amused.
     "But when I asked Sidney to help me once again she ran away. Pity really I had to spend all this time going into her dreams looking for her. So bothersome." Solahx shook his head. Natsu turned to me. "Wait so that's what you were dreaming about!!" He screamed still in pain. I slowly nodded my head still terrified.
     "Well Sidney we really must be going now." Solahx tisked looking at his watch. "Who said she was going with you?" Gray snarled standing in front of me. Solahx sighed and then launched long black string out at me. "AHHH!!!" I screamed as he pulled me towards him.
     "I guess I have to show you what it means to defy me Sidney." He laughed. My face went paler than it already was. "Hey give her back!!!" Gray shouted charging towards him. "ICE MAKE L..." Gray was cut off by Solahx who crushed him against the wall. "Now now don't be hasty I used souls to make that dragon you see but I'm much more powerful than it. I only made it to collect unfortunate people."
     "You mean your the one who took the man's wife!?" Gray growled spitting out some blood. "Well I guess I did." Solahx smiled smashing Gray into the ground again with his magic. "S-STOP!" I screamed as I watched Gray get hit over and over again. Solahx ignored me and yelled "NOW GIVE ME YOUR SOUL ICE WIZARD!!!"
A blue mist flew out of Gray causing him to fall to the ground. "Ah looks like he's done for now." Solahx grinned murderously. The soul flew around his staff then disappeared completely inside the orb. "YOU MONSTER HOW COULD YOU!!!!" Erza screamed charging toward Solahx. "Oh my looks like I've encountered the great Titania queen of fairies. You'll make a nice addition to my collection of souls."
He grinned and before Erza could attack him he disappeared and reappeared behind her. "Let's have a nice battle ok?" He smiled like a devil. No he wasn't a devil he was a monster. An awful,terrifyingly strong monster.

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