Latro and the Witch Queen

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The witch queen is sitting in the child's nursery, holding the baby when the man comes. She croons to her, and rubs her head, already covered in a shock of red and brown hairs. The baby girl waves her arms up at her mother's face, and seems to turn to the cloaked figure that has just entered through a window, as though she knows that he is there. The mother, sensing that something is not right, turns to look behind her. When she sees the figure in black, she starts, but does not seem to surprised.
"You're finally here." She says wearily, sighing heavily, as if with immense sadness. "I knew that you were going to come for her. But you are to late. I've already protected her. You will never be able to find her where I am going to send her. She will be safe until she finds out the truth of her identity, then she will return here, to her kingdom." The queen raises her head, and looks defiantly at the dark figure, before saying, "She will defeat you Latro. And when that time comes, you will wish that you had listened to me when you were younger."
"I was a fool to listen to you when I was a child." Latro sneers, his anger an almost tangible thing that surrounds him.
"You weren't a fool, you were just a boy, stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time, you don't need to do this Latro. Revenge doesn't have to be the answer." the Queen pleads "Please don't make me send my daughter away like this. She will have no one to guide her, to protect her, or to love her. She will be the most powerful Queen, and witch, that this land has seen. She could do amazing things, she could unite the kingdoms under one banner." Elizabeth grows still. "But you don't want that, do you." It was more a statement than a question. "You want us to stay divided. Fighting each other for a death that wasn't even on purpose, and that happened hundreds of years ago, when we were just children!" Queen Elizabeth looks down at the child in her arms, the girl that would become the most powerful queen that the universes have ever heard of.
"Yes..." Latro mused, "When one becomes immortal, it becomes so much easier to hold a grudge" He says the last words with venom. Lost in a memory of a long long time ago. He doesn't notice as Elizabeth slips a letter and a small package into her blankets "Well Elizabeth, your time is up. Hand over the child, and you may live, if you don't, then I will be forced to kill you both." He sais it with what sounds like true regret in his voice.
"You will not kill my unarmed child, you coward! You are no better than a thief or a mercenary." She hisses with venom. Then she speaks words in an odd language, and as she says them, it sounds like there are many other voices speaking in discordant harmony with hers. Latro steps forward and raises his knife. Just as he begins the downwards stroke, the baby vanishes in a flash of white light.

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