Winter Break

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            15 years and 360 days later
"...And please remember that after Christmas break, we will continue learning at the Rockfield High School, instead of here at Winter Park. The reason for this is that we will be getting seismic upgrades." Mrs. Delaney says, and the class groans.. Since Rockfield is on the other side of town from here, and most of the kids here live quite close to Winter Park, and therefore far from Rockfield.
"Such a drag that we have to go to Rockfield, isn't it Katty?" I whisper to the seat beside me.
"Ugg, I know, I'm just glad that we don't have to graduate there, like the poor grade twelves!"
"Only a year away though." I shiver, even thinking about graduation next year, makes me nervous.
"Oh relax M! You're too uptight! You'll be fine next year!" Katty reassures me.
"Katherine, is there something that you want to share with the class?" Mrs. Delaney asks, smiling, but still serious.
Katty jumps "No Mrs. Delaney!" She squeaks. Even though Katty isn't shy, she doesn't like to be called out in front of the whole class.
"See you tomorrow M?"
I laugh and flip my red/brown hair. "How about the day after, I have fencing lessons tomorrow."
"Sure!" She confirms, smiling.
"Have a good Christmas break everyone! Please remember to finish reading 'To Kill a Mockingbird. There will be an essay due at the end of break." Most kids groan, but I smile, I love assigned reading. It hardly feels like homework at all.
The bell rings, and everyone runs out of their last class, eager to get home after a long day at Winter Park High School.

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