Chapter 1

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Marcus sighed as he walked out of his apartment, pulling on his hoodie to conceal his face. It was bothersome actually, having to hide his face where ever he went to avoid the media and other annoying people.   

He made his way down the stairs - which he preferred over the tight elevator - and made his way over to the central park, for his morning jog. 


Xenia tried to balance her stack of books in her hand as she made her way to the library, most of these books were overdue anyway. She cursed herself for leaving these to the last minute but alas, here she was, carrying over 10 textbooks in her hands. She turned into the park to take a short cut instead of going around the thing and before she could see where she was going, she was in the air and the books flew out of her hand. It felt like as if time slowed down and she could feel herself falling in slow motion. 

Marcus on the other hand was jogging down the path when an idiotic girl carrying a massive stack of books appeared in front of him and he couldn't stop himself, as he was running pretty fast and collided into her. The books flew out of her hands, landing all around her as she fell on top of him. Marcus groaned, feeling the pain of her elbow digging into his abdomen. 

"Can't you see where you're going?" Xenia yelled, getting up off him, bending down to glance at her knee, which was bleeding and her tights had been ripped. She sighed as she pulled a clean tissue out of her cardigan's pocket and wiped away the blood. 

"Me? You're the one that bumped into me!" Marcus yelled back, as he got up. Xenia looked up at him, and temporarily lost her voice. This man was literally the definition of perfection. His hair dark and messy, lips, looking so kissable and his eyes, oh god. Shaking her head and getting rid of her semi-perverted thoughts Xenia glared at him. He sure was an ass, a good looking ass. 

"Yes you, you bumped in to me and now you're yelling at me? Way to talk to a lady." Xenia screamed at him again, before she bent down and began to pick up her books. People passing by gave them both weird looks but both of them didn't care. 

"Lady? And you? You look like a pathetic kid, plus, you need to watch where you're going, or maybe reading all these books has weakened your eyesight." Marcus grumbled, as he too bent down and began to pick up a book only to be stopped by Xenia. 

"I don't need your help." She growled, pushing his hand away. This infuriated Marcus, the girl was getting on his nerves. 

"Listen miss, I'm trying to help you after you bumped into me, so please stop being such a prick." He announced. 

"Me? A prick? Look at yourself before you speak about me." Xenia scoffed, getting up, with a pile of books in her hand and began to walk away. 

"HAVE A TERRIBLE DAY!" Marcus yelled out after her, earning a sharp glare from all the older people around them and a swift 'fuck you too' from Xenia as she walked off. 

AN: My first fic! Massive shout out to DanceWithTheDevil13 and trilo113 for their help!! I really appreciate it!! 

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