Chapter 6

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Lucas collapsed on the couch. Cleaning the entire house was tiring. The door knocked again and Lucas got up, seeing that Xenia was in the bathroom, he went and opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" Adam questioned. Lucas smirked.

"I just fucked your best friend senseless" He replied, in a monotone, only to be whacked across the head by Adam.

"Seriously." Adam questioned again, glaring at him.

"I came to apologise and brought flowers and she made me clean the entire house." He replied.

"That sounds right, she's allergic to pollen." Adam replied. Xenia came out, smiling.

"Oh, hey Adam!" She greeted him, rubbing her allergy medicine on her arms.

"Come over to mine." Adam said.

"Oh, Charlie's bringing dinner." She replied.

"I've already called him, he'll come over to mine with the food." Adam replied, pulling Lucas and Xenia out.

"Wait, let me go change, I smell sickly sweet." She replied and ran off. Adam turned to Lucas.

"Keep her out of your games, I know what you're trying to do." He sternly said.

"Whatever, I just came to apologise." Lucas shrugged him off. Xenia returned and the three of them made their way up the stairs.


"Charlie's gotten into an accident." Adam explained, hanging up on his phone. Xenia's blood went cold. It had been almost 8 and they began to wonder where he was when Adam received a call from Mark.

"What? How?" She questioned.

"He's in the hospital, let's go." Adam replied. Lucas looked over at both of them.


"He's just been put to sleep, the pain from his shoulder was causing him distress." The doctor explained to Mark and Ella.  Xenia stood by them, her arm across Ella's shoulder. The poor lady had not stopped crying for the last 3 hours.

"Ella, love, calm down. He's fine. Our boy is a fighter." Mark smiled, kissing Ella's forehead. Xenia stepped away, giving them their space and sat down, next to Adam, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"He's going to be ok." Adam said, giving Xenia's hand a squeeze. Xenia closed her eyes, feeling drowsy. It didn't take long before she fell asleep. Adam realised this but his phone kept ringing.

"Lucas, come here." He ordered as he got up, his hand under Xenia's head.

"Sit here." He said and Lucas sat down, Adam carefully placed Xenia's head on Lucas' shoulder and made his way out of the hospital. Lucas looked down at Xenia, she looked so peaceful, and calm, her chest slowly rising and falling. He too closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the wall and soon he drifted off as well. 

Adam came back a while later, finding the two peacefully asleep. He didn't waste the chance and pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of both of them, it was perfect blackmail material.


"Xenia! Come to the front!" Cherri yelled, calling out to Xenia who was in the store room.

"Coming!" She replied back, carrying a box of the latest Game of Thrones edition. Xenia worked in a bookshop, which was relatively popular since it was so big and plus, Xenia got paid heaps and that would take care of her expenses. The apartment belonged to Xenia's parents so she didn't have to worry about that and her university fees was a student loan, which she'd pay back when she got a proper job. She placed the box on the floor behind the counters and began serving the customers.

"Have a nice day!" She replied to the old lady she just served and the next customer came through. She glanced at the books the person handed her and began to process them through. Xenia looked at the book titles, which were strange bunch.

Cake 101

Throne of Glass

Fifty Shades of Grey

What kind of weird would read this? Well, I don't have the right to judge anyway 

She looked up, her eyes meeting a nice view. His gaze was cold and emotionless as he starred down on his phone, his hair was messy but still looked perfect - to Xenia anyways. He wore a black suit, accompanied by a silver tie and shoes. WTF? Marcus?

"Honestly I'm not surprised." She thought, shrugging away her thoughts.

"Excuse me?" He asked, fully having heard what she had said and Xenia looked up. Marcus looked up, after hearing the cashier's rather rude remark and then he noticed that it was her.

"Shit." She hissed under her breath.

"At least I'm not a walking danger zone." Marcus remarked, smirking. Xenia heard this.

"Yeah well whose the sick pervert?" She barked back. Marcus began to reply but restrained himself. These books weren't for him, they were for Emily, his fiancee. Instead, he leaned closer to Xenia, over the counter.

"Oh honey, you don't know how sick I can be." He whispered and pulled back.

"That'll be $40." She mumbled, feeling her face heat up, she was having trouble breathing at this point. Marcus took out his wallet and pulled out his card, tapping it on the machine. Xenia could't take her eyes off him, how could Adam's own brother be so attractive?

"Have a nice day." She said, handing him the books and the receipt. Their hands brushed against each others, the warmth from Marcus hand engulfed Xenia's cold ones. His lips curled up slight as he smiled back at her and left, leaving Xenia feeling all flustered and jittery.


"Yes mum." Adam replied.

"You better bring your friends as well, I want to meet this Xenia and Charlie you always that you always talk about." His mother, Lucy said.

"Yeah mum, I'll bring them over, but ask your sons to behave." Adam sighed.

"Don't worry, Lucas knows that she's your friend now, nothing will happen." She reassured. Adam sighed, that was the problem, that Xenia was his friend. He didn't want his younger brother to hurt her. From the way Lucas had begun acting, Adam knew exactly what was coming.



"Come on, it's just dinner." Charlie tried, he had been discharged from hospital yesterday after spending two nights there, his arm was still broken but he was coping well enough to come back home.

"No!" Xenia replied, remembering the incident from work today. She furiously shook her head.

"What happened?" Adam asked, judging her behaviour.

'Nothing, I'm not going to be in the same room as both of your brothers!" She replied back and got up, walking off the dinning table and began to wash her dishes.


"Here goes nothing." Xenia sighed, as she stepped in the D'arcy house alongside Charlie and Adam. How on Earth did she end up here? Simple, Adam's persuasion skills and a certain photo on his phone. 

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