Chapter 7

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Marcus glanced at Xenia, who had strategically avoided him for the whole night. The encounter was still replaying in his head. Xenia on the other hand kept as quite as possible the entire night, she didn't want any attention from the other two D'arcy brothers. However, Adam's mother was one of the sweetest ladies she had ever meet and Adam's dad was very nice and friendly. This made Xenia wonder about the Lucas and Marcus, who did they resemble? Appearance wise, Lucas and Marcus took after their father whereas Adam took after his mother.

"Come, I'll show you around." Adam said, catching Xenia's attention. Lucas' ears perked up, and he decided to tag along.

"Sure." Charlie replied and Adam showed them the house - no, mansion. The place was absolutely breath taking. They eventually got outside, to the pool and tennis courts. Xenia walked near the edge, something she shouldn't have done as Lucas walked right behind her. The next few events took place very rapidly.

Xenia, as usual, tripped over her own feet, and went to grab onto Adam but instead she ended up pulling Lucas in to the water with her. Both of them landed in the water with a loud splash, catching Adam and Charlie's attention.

Lucas panicked, he did not know how to swim and the pool was surely deep. His arms instantly went around her waist, pulling on to Xenia, hoping she could swim as he desperately tried to breathe. Xenia on the other struggled to pull herself up, due to Lucas' weight. She desperately started to pull herself up, finally reaching the surface and took a deep breath, forgetting about the unconscious boy next to her. Adam and Charlie helped Xenia pull Lucas to the edge of the pool and pulled him out.

"Adam, he's unconscious." Charlie said, his voice filled with worry, he didn't want Xenia to be the cause of Adam's brother's death, knowing Marcus wouldn't let her live.

"Do something!" Xenia cried, shaking her hands around like a mad woman.

"Resuscitate him!' Adam said, as he knelt down next to Adam, shaking him a bit but no response came. Adam looked over at Charlie, knowing that Charlie had trained as a life guard at a beach.

"My arm's still broken, I can't pump his chest." He explained, pointing to his arm in the sling . Both of the boys looked over at Xenia.

"Xenia, please don't let my brother die." Adam said, and Xenia nodded, mentally preparing herself. Never in her wildest day dream did she think she was going to have to resuscitate Lucas D'arcy. She pulled her wet hair back, and slowly but surely began to lean down, as she positioned her hand on his chest. She could feel a faint heartbeat. She pulled his head into her lap and leaned down, and as their lips were about to touch, she heard his sick voice again.

"Didn't know you were this desperate princess." He smirked.


"So Miss Mansken, what do you study?" Adam's father, Arthur questioned as they all ate dinner.

"I'm studying Science, with a major in immunology - Biology." She replied.

"That sounds interest, in fact Marcus too completed a Science degree, majoring in Physics - astronomy." He replied and Xenia looked over at Marcus. Astronomy? What the hell?

"When are you graduating?" Amanda, Adam's mother asked.

"This year, in another 4 months." She replied, sipping on her water. She could feel Lucas' gaze on her. When he had woken up, she was embarrassed beyond hell. Her face began to heat up again and she gulped down more water.

All of a sudden, she felt something or rather someone's foot brush against her leg, her eyes instantly shot up, to meet the mischievous gaze of Lucas D'arcy. He smirked at her, before she felt his foot run across her calf again. This guy is hell bent on making my life miserable.

His foot - he had taken his shoe off thank god - came in contact with her leg again, this time travelling up to her knee - she was wearing Adam's shorts. Xenia glared at him, before launching her own reply. She squinted her eyes and sent a kick towards him, only for it to hit the eldest D'arcy brother due to her poor aim. At the speed of lighting, Xenia instantly retracted her foot, and stared down at her food. Marcus looked up, seeing as Xenia was looking down at her food, with a guilty look. Marcus stared at her, and she could feel his strong gaze burning holes in her head. Lucas laughed, knowing what had happened. Xenia glared at him, trying to signal for him to stop. Lucas just smirked even more, sending a wink in her direction.


"So, today we are basically going over auto immune diseases." The lecturer said. Xenia paid close attention, she wanted to do well on her final exams. She typed away at an inhumane speed, almost taking down every word the lecturer said. Finally, the 2 hour long lecture ended and she made her way out, she was done for the day.

She made her way to the library, where she was meeting up with Jane - her lab partner and also, Adam's long time crush. He was so in love with her that Xenia had a hard time controlling her laughter when she was around both of them.

"Hi!" Jane greeted her, as she put her stuff down on the table.

"Hey. how are you?" She asked.

"Done with this lab report." She replied, groaning a bit at the end.

"Look on the bright side, it's the last one we'll ever write." Xenia responded and the two of them got to work.


Marcus stood in his office, next to the window, looking down on the busy city. A soft knock on the door interrupted him and he mutter 'come in'.

"Marcus, I need to talk to you." His father said and Marcus sat down on the couch, opposite his father.

"Your mother and I have decided that we want to stay here now, she's had enough of this running around." He explained. Marcus nodded, respecting his parent's wishes.

"You and Lucas are more than welcome to go back to America or stay here if you wish." He added.

"It's fine, I'll move the head office here." Marcus replied.

"Are you sure about this?" His father asked.

"Yes dad." He replied.

"Also, we've had a great offer come in today, the Global Institute of Medicinal Research has offered to join with us, they want to work together so we can fund them and their research will be published under us." His father, John, said.

"Are you serious?" Marcus asked, knowing what this offer could potentially do for their company.

"Yes, very, I too was shocked when the offer came in, we have to take it before they approach someone else."

"Alright, I'll start working on the merger right now." Marcus replied, unaware of the future consequences of this deal.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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