Chapter 2

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"Xenia!!! Get your lazy ass up!" Charlie shouted as he got out of the bathroom.

"Mmmm, two more minutes." Xenia groaned, pulling her pillow on top of her head. She had been up late last night, trying to finish off her chemistry report which was due today.

"Adam called, he said he's gonna be here at 9, it's 8:45 right now." Charlie said, standing in the doorway of Xenia's room. Xenia instantly jolted up, muttering curses as she grabbed clothes out of her cupboard and made her way to the bathroom. She rubbed her eyes as she walked and before she had any idea of what had happened, she fell face forward down the 3 stairs, hitting her already injured knee against the wall. She hissed in pain, earning laughter from Charlie, as he helped her up.

"You're so hopeless." He laughed as Xenia glared at him, and walked over to the bathroom, closing the door and hoping into the shower. After a quick shower, brushing her teeth and hair and putting on a pair of jeans and a blouse, she made her way out, to find Charlie and Adam seated on the couch, watching the morning TV show.

"Hey Loser" Adam greeted her, as she went over to the kitchen and grabbed herself a bowl and poured some cereal and milk, and joined them on the couch.

"Hello to you too." She replied, before shoving a spoonful in her mouth.

"Hurry up, we have to leave in another 5 minutes, class starts at 9:30." Adam said, ushering her to hurry up.

"Fine." Xenia said, putting her bowl back in the sink and followed Adam out the door. They both made their way down the building before they began walking towards their university.

"Can we take the bus today? My knee is really sore." Xenia grumbled.

"What did you do this time?" Adam asked her and turned towards the bus stop.

"Yesterday, I was going to the library, and this blind idiot bumped into me, and you know what? Instead of apologizing about my bleeding knee and my books, he blamed me!" Xenia explained, a bit too over dramatically.

"I bet 110% that it was definitely his fault" Adam snickered, only to be punched in the arm by Xenia. When Adam first met her 4 years ago, he honestly thought she was suffering from some sort of disease but eventually as time went by, he figured it out that she was just extremely clumsy. Wherever she went, accidents usually followed. 

Despite everything, Adam adored Xenia, not in a romantic way, but as a friend. He still hadn't told her about his family or status, because that usually ended up in every person he has known using him for their own profit. Xenia, being as clueless as she was, never managed to figure out that Adam was the second son of Chris D'arcy, the same Chris D'arcy that ruled the mining business in many countries.

Now, Adam had reasons of his own as to why he preferred to live by himself, he merely wanted to have a normal life. He didn't like the constant pressure of his family and the media to live up to their expectations and that was one of the reasons as to why he moved to Australia, away from the commotion.

When he began to study Medicine, he met Xenia, who was majoring in biology through her science degree and they instantly became friends. Adam was abruptly broken out of his trance when Xenia puled him along on to the bus and both of them made their way down and got seats, not really ready for the oncoming day of classes. But little did he know that the other two D'arcy brothers were already here.


The crowd that had gathered around Lucas when wild from cheering as he dowsed another shot of vodka, his 9th straight shot. He glanced over at Matthew, whom he had made a bet with, which he had obviously won and Matthew grinned, handing him his watch.

"Babe, that was amazing!" His current girlfriend laughed, kissing Lucas' jaw, leaving a bright red lipstick stain. Lucas grinned, before chastely kissing her back, as Matthew rolled his eyes and left to go get himself some water.

"How about you come over tonight?" Lucas asked her, breaking away from her a bit. Before she could answer, his phone rang, checking it he saw that it was Marcus, he would have to answer it.

"Sorry babe, I'll be back." He smiled and headed out of the club, before answering the phone.

"Lucas, what the hell? I've been calling for the last 10 minutes or so." Marcus yelled from the other side.

"What is it?" Lucas replied, knowing his older couldn't be mad at him for more than a minute.

"You need to come to Australia." Marcus explained, sounding firm.

"Australia, did Adam do something?" He asked.

"No, it's Adam's birthday, and mum and dad want us all to be there for him." Marcus explained.

"Sure, I'll ask Jenny to book my flight, anything else?" Lucas asked.

"Just don't drink too much." Marcus chuckled, before disconnecting the line. The three of them had always been super close, even after Adam left for Australia. Marcus D'arcy had two defining features; his love for his brothers and his heartlessness when it came to business.

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