Chapter 4

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AN: Just a little warning about the language use in this chapter!!! you have been warned 

"What the actual fuck?" Lucas growled at Xenia, who had just gotten off the floor and stood up. She looked at him, dark brown hair and blue eyes, he looked very similar to the guy from the park.

"Are you fucking blind?" He blurted out, pissed off at the fact that his hair and brand new suit had been ruined, before realising who he was talking to. It was the airport girl. He looked down at her dress, to see a massive red stain on it. Xenia on the other hand realised it was her mistake but the way he spoke to her angered her.

"Excuse me?" She asked, obviously angry.

"Can't you see where you're going? You blind fucker." He mumbled again, only to be shouted at by Xenia as he fixed his hair.

"How fucking dare you?! Who do you think you are?" She yelled back, clenching her hands into tight fists.

"Me? You're the fucking blind idiot that walked straight into me and pulled me down." He retorted.

"I was gonna say sorry before you started insulting me!" She roared back. By this time, most people around them had noticed their language. Charlie noticed this and made his way over to them.

"You're so pathetic, I wonder how you're still alive despite your stupidity." He said, remembering how many times she fell at the airport. Xenia on the other hand was on the verge of tears, tears of anger, no one had ever insulted her so much.

"At least I'm not so fucking rude." Xenia yelled at him once more, before Charlie arrived and stepped in.

"Listen here, I don't know who you are or what you are, but don't talk to her like that." Charlie threatened, looking down at Lucas, as Charlie was taller than Lucas. Lucas scoffed, before flicking his side fringe sideways and spoke again.

"Listen lover boy, take pathetic little princess along and run along." Lucas smirked. Charlie advanced forward, only to be pulled back by Xenia, she didn't want him to get into a fight.

"Let's go." She mumbled, grabbing his arm. Lucas smirked at her, surely she was pretty but he needed to establish his status, he was a D'arcy after all.


"Adam, we're coming with you." Marcus announced and Adam wiped his mouth, looking up at him.

"Why?" Adam asked, honestly surprised.

"I wanna see where you live." He replied before getting. Adam sighed, knowing this was not going to go down well


"Charlie, Adam will be here any moment!" Xenia yelled, as she placed up the banner on the wall. It was Adam's birthday tomorrow, and currently it was 11:50PM. After the dinner, Xenia and Charlie came over to Adam's place, which was 6 levels higher than their's, simply because it was more expensive 

When Xenia and Charlie had walked out of that restaurant, Xenia was livid. There are billions of nerves in the body and that stupid, stupid guy managed to get on all of them. But Xenia didn't want that to spoil the special occasion for her friend. 

"Xenia, His car just pulled into the parking grounds." Emma warned and everyone began hurrying up. All of their friends were here, the only person they waited for now was Adam. 

Adam parked his car and the three of them got out, and Marcus and Lucas followed him up to his apartment. He wanted to stop over at Charlie and Xenia's place but he refrained from it. He sighed and opened the door to his apartment, to find the lights on and a loud cheer erupted from everyone. 

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