0.1 Prolog

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- - Your POV - -

Sitting at my computer desk, I stare blankly into the Google search bar. 5:02 in the morning and I'm sitting and staring at my Twitter feed waiting for something to happen. The only light is that coming from my screen . My friend lives in Seattle where it's 3:00am but we have battles to see who can stay up later, usually he wins though. His Skype flashed letting people know he was online.

Skype Convo
House_Owner: U still awake?
Me: I wish I wasn't but I have to win this time
House_Owner: I will prevail!
Me: Are you sure your not sleepy?
House_Owner: well. . .
Me: are you a cuddly narwhal?
House_owner: I AM!!!!
Me: wanna record a video
House_owner: Sure. Minecraft?
Me: idc

Moments later I get a Skype call from House_Owner so I answer and yell into the microphone.
"WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled back to me making me laugh. I quickly open Minecraft. "So survival or server?" He asked me.
"I don't care for your recording but for mine let's do survival thing, ok?" I reply. We do this a lot, record videos for YouTube in our spare time. Both of our channels are at like 1000 subs so we have a running bet on who will reach 2000 subs and so on.
"Mineplex then."
"Ok mate." I say as I enter the lobby. We play for a little while until I hear him yawn. " Is someone one tired?" I ask stifling my own yawn. Everything was quiet as we had finished recording a little while ago. At one point I thought he had fallen asleep but he asked the question I had been fearing.

"Hey. . . Do you know my name?"
When he logged out after that we never talked again.

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