Chapter 3

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Author's Note: I don't own the show or the characters except the OC I make up named KC. I don't own the picture.

KC's P.O.V.

We landed with a very loud thud. Almost everyone was groaning, myself included.

"Is that what it feels like to go 30 rounds with a tornado?" I groaned, waiting for everything to stop spinning. The harnesses go up and Mick bends over to the right and throws up. It smelled so horrible and I'm dizzy enough I might throw up myself. "Mick, please, keep it in your stomach, it smells rank." I say turning away and covering my nose with my jacket sleeve.

"Sorry Red." Mick mutters, sitting back up.

"Oh, I should have mentioned it before. Nausea is one of the side effects of time travel, along with..." Rip started explaining before Palmer stood up and fell over instantly. "Vertigo."

"I can't see." Stein says.

"And temporary blindness. Oh, it should only last a minute. After all, that was a mere jaunt. The further back in time you go, the worse the side effects." Rip explained as he walked over to Stein. "Better?"

"It's all relative." Stein replies.

"Good." Rip states.

Good? We're all messed up from time travel and that's good?

"I can't believe you kidnapped me." Jax stated angrily. "Hey, I want to go home." He said to Rip getting up just fine.

Huh. Having drugs in your system lessens the effects of time travel. I gotta remember that.

"Good news then, 2016 will be around in... 41 years." Then Rip turned and point to Canary, Mick, Len, and me. "Now, you 4, feel free to make yourselves comfortable back here on the ship," He turns to everyone else. "While the rest of you are coming with me to find Professor Boardman."

"Whoa, you're benching us?" Mick asks, clearly getting annoyed.

"I thought we were a team." Sara says sarcastically.

"Oh, that's so adorable," I say looking at Hunter, gaining a confused look from him. "You actually think we're going to listen to you." I say smirking, amusement obvious.

Rip glared at me and then explained. "This mission doesn't require your particular skill sets. Yet."

"Meaning you don't need anyone robbed, tracked, kidnapped, maimed, and or killed." Len added knowingly.

"Precisely." Rip simply.

"Sure it's a good idea to live these 3 unsupervised on a time machine?" Ray asked in a stage whisper.

"Hey, haircut!" Mick said, barely talking louder than normal, gaining everyone's attention. "Deafness wasn't one of the side effects." Len, Mick, me and surprisingly, Sara each send Palmer a glare. Causing Palmer to start walking away with a terrified look on his face.

"We better hurry up. Professor Boardman will die in less than 24 hours." Rip stated, trying to keep everyone on track.

"What's the point in cutting it so close?" Ray asked standing as far away from us as possible.

"Because if he's destined to die, then he doesn't have a timeline for us to disrupt, and his impact on the future will be minimal. How brilliant." Stein explains, little too excited if you ask me.

"And depressing. How does he die?" Kendra asks.

At least this incarnation of her has some sense.

"Uh, he's found dead in his university from unknown causes. Come on." Rip says walking out of the room, Kendra, Carter, and Ray following.

"Are you coming?" A slightly confused Stein asked Jax.

Legends Take 2 (Discontinued, Rewriting/New Book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora