Chapter 8

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Author's Note: I don't own the show or the characters except for the OC named KC which I made up. Sorry it's been so long since I updated. Hope to update soon. Sorry it's a little short. Also I had difficulties with the flashback because I couldn't get some with the interactions quite right. So I ended up rewriting it like 15 times. I have bit of writer's block. Sorry I didn't stick to the 4 day promise but on the bright side have some of the future chapters figured out.

Red's P.O.V.

I run up the ramp of the Waverider with Sara. Rip and Len are giving us cover from the sides of the ramp. I turn and see Mick carrying Kendra following close behind us. Haircut and Firestorm still providing cover fire from the air. Sara and I move passed Rip and start heading towards the main deck. I turn to see who make it on.

"Gideon, get us out of here as soon as the ATOM and Firestorm are on board." Rip yells. I stop walking, no longer heard Mick's footsteps. So I turn around and find Mick just standing in the hold looking down at Kendra. Rip turned towards Mick. "Take her to the Medbay." Mick looked towards Rip at that and then snuck a barely noticeably look towards Len, who's still firing at the guards. I look at Rip, who's as perceive as a bag of dirt, didn't notice. Mick then starts moving.

Did Mick just take an order from Time-Douche?

Mick gives me a confused look as he walks by me. The shock must have been written all over my face. I turn and quickly start walking to catch up with him. Once I'm walking next to Mick I state. "You just obeyed an order from Rip."

"What?" Mick asks confused. "No I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"No, I didn't. I wouldn't listen to that ass." Mick states looking me in the eye.

"Denial ain't just a river in Egypt." I sass. "You didn't start taking Kendra to the Medbay until Rip. Underline Rip. Told you to do it." Mick stopped walking and turned towards me and was about to respond.

"Mr. Rory, you need to get Ms. Saunders to the Medbay." Gideon interrupts. Mick and I start speed walking towards the Medbay.

"I wasn't waiting for an order." Mick pauses and then looked around to see if anyone was around. "Anyone in hearing range?" I sniff and listen. I shake my head no. "I was trying to decide if I should save her or let her injuries kill her." Mick walks into the Medbay and puts Kendra in the bed/chair. I try to walk in with him. But once I saw the medical supplies I froze.

There was a bright light over my head blinding me. Tears where rolling down my cheeks and I was struggling to get up. I was tied down to a cold steal table. There were shadows of people wearing scrubs holding every doctor's surgical tool imaginable.

"Please let me go. Please stop." I say threw the tears.

I could hear voices and a beeping. One voice stood out from the others. "Alright let's get started." A sharp pain spread through my stomach. I scream.

Ray's P.O.V.

Rip and I are speed walk towards the Medbay to tend to Kendra's wounds. We turn a corner and find Red standing in the door of the Medbay. "Hey Red, how's she doing?" I ask as we walk by her and into the Medbay where Mick is setting Kendra in the bed/chair. I get a good look at Red and couldn't believe it. Red is breathing heavily, shaking, and looking freaked out. Red is terrified. She's not looking at Kendra, Rip, Mick, or me. It is like she didn't even know we were there. I follow her line of site and see what was scaring her. That confused me even more. She's staring at the medical tools like they were the most terrifying thing ever. "Red?"

"Red!" Mick shouted running over to her. Mick grabbed her shoulders and turns her away from the medical supplies, slowly moving out of the Medbay. "You're not there Red. You're here." Red started blinking rapidly. "They can't touch you. It's just memory. It's not real." Mick basically shouts shaking Red's shoulders.

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