I Saw Her Standing There

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Chapter 4

It's almost if I smelled her

Standing no more than twenty feet from me in the empty lobby, wearing a short sleeved, knee length black and white checkered gingham dress with ankle high black boots.

After her morning antics, the odd swimming behavior and note, I find myself cocking my head to the side unable to tear my eyes away. She's like some alien way she's dressed, it makes her look young. It's also quirky, slightly skewed and rather playful. Perhaps like her note to me she's cocky and doesn't give a shit what people think about her fashion sense or lack thereof. She seems to be someone who says what she wants and dresses how she pleases. Her dark hair is loose, tucked behind her ears, looking a bit unkempt. All her attention focused on her phone. I watch as she types a response using her thumbs like a pro then starts giggling. Looking up, she has this self-satisfied side-smirk on her face that turns into a beaming smile, which leads me to wonder what was being texted back and forth. Turning her head, smiling to no one in particular other than lost in the gleeful moment we lock eyes. And I can't help but have what I feel is a shit eating smile on my face. I caught her in a personal, honest moment like she had with Taylor this morning. The smile that greets me is broad, unhampered by reservation and is genuine....

Fuck me sideways, she is without a doubt the most natural looking, unpretentious, beautiful creature I've ever laid my eyes on

... it's only when the realization sinks-in as to who she's smiling at her smile fades. Taking on a stance, the same one I was met with this morning: the rattling and squaring of shoulders or call it a resolve. Only this time I see her face shutting down into a fixed impassive gaze. Staring me dead-on it's a look I'm all too familiar with. Sitting transfixed I don't move a muscle. Turning her head she starts walking. Why the fuck do I feel I'm eating her dust?

Craning my neck I follow her movements as she walks across the lobby heading toward the grounds, fishing out my wallet I toss a hundred dollar bill on the table and start going after her. Quickening my pace to catch up I step out to the only exit only to find she is nowhere to be seen. Scanning around the pool area all I see are empty cabanas, chairs and tables with collapsed umbrellas. The only sounds are that of people talking in the distance and the waves crashing on the beach. How in the hell did she pull a fucking disappearing act on my ass, I was only a few seconds behind her.

Not surprised, my frustrations mounting, as if there was a way for 'her' to etch my skin. Grumbling loudly "Where the fuck did she go?" and that's when I notice a cabana that doesn't have its privacy drapes tied off. Making my way to it, I see her sitting at the edge of bed facing the Pacific. Her eyes are locked, staring at the inky ocean, without turning her head I hear her utter....

"Just as I thought. You are like a dog with a bone, sinking your teeth into it and not letting go." turning, she looks up at me crossing her arms across her chest.

The balls on this woman. She's smacking against my buttons. Granted I'm not entirely surprised by her tone, finding myself turned by her confidence yet pissed by her mannerism and arrogance.

There's only room for one when it comes to arrogance and that's me.

"Are you always this confrontational with strangers?"

Letting out a small chuckle "Rarely. Though most are not as provocative as you."

What the fuck does that mean? For the life of me I can't tell if she's attracted or repulsed by me.

Not taking her eyes off me "Why don't you pull up a chair so we can finish this."

I'll play along "Finish what?"

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