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When Ana and Mia arrived, in which they are about ten minutes late I hear Elliott shouting "Our guest of honor makes her debut... It's about damn time." Laughing, as if it's the funniest thing he's said in his life. Rushing Ana, sweeping her off her feet, swinging her around while hugging her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Ana looks quite alarmed. Putting her down giving Mia a kiss the cheek. He's way too damn affectionate.

Kate interjecting with a dour expression "God Elliott, leave Ana alone."

Noticing that Ana looks uncomfortable "Sorry, I had a bear of a time getting motivated. If it weren't for Mia I would have continued sleeping." Giving Mia a subtle glance, followed by a small smile. It doesn't take genius to realize something was unspoken between them. Picking up where she left off. "Plus, I'm not the guest of honor, that title is reserved for Kate and you."

Sounding hushed "Please, accept my apologies, I did not mean to keep everyone waiting. Please, let's eat."

As if he hasn't attracted everyone's attention already by this shouts he cries out FUck Yeah!!! Let's chow down!"

Before we sit I see a crew member asking if Ana had any dietary restrictions. "Raul, I have no preference, I will eat anything the chef has prepared. I say...... surprise me." giving him a smile. Naturally it didn't end with Ana apologizing. Everyone was asking her about her work, her education. Why she did what she what she did.

Very politely with a touch of humor "Come on guys, I feel like this is an interrogation. You guys are fast talking and throwing questions as if this is a grand inquisition. Let's all just chit-chat."

One thing I noticed that began during our starter. She would place her hand over the various wine glasses throughout the entire meal opting for club soda with lime instead. I also would watch how she ate and her placement of fork' and knives. Never once putting her elbows on the table. Finding it odd having finished our entree and never uttering a word, I hear one the servers saying "Thank you, I'll relay the message to our Chef." With her only nodding in response. What the hell was that all about?

Shortly after dessert everyone started milling around and sitting on the couches, whereas Ana walks up to one of the yacht employees discussing something then walking over to Mia. After that walks over to Kate, hugging her, sneaking out of the party that I suspect is developing with Elliott leading the charge. Walking over to Mia who is sitting alone. "Hey Sis, how are you doing?"

"Fine." sounding rather curt. I know she's wanting to say something.

"Talk to me Mia, whatever it is I'll tell the truth." I'm hoping she'll ask me about Anastasia, something inside knew there was exchange of words between them and though we signed the NDA I don't care. I want to know what is going on between these two.

"Okay. Why does Ryan follow me? I mean this guy is my constant shadow. Are there threats I should be made aware of?"

Shocking me with her directness. "No Mia, not in the last nine months or so." She's alarmed by the answer. Holding up my index finger. "Hang on, let me finish. All threats have been baseless I just don't want to risk harm directed at you or Elliott or Mom and Dad."

Sighing "It's kinda of what Ana said." Holding up her hands, as if under arrest, it's the first time I realize the we do that, recalling I did that with Ana at the Nectar Lounge.

"Mia, would you please elaborate."

"Well" looking somewhat ashamed, which is rare for the Trevelyan-Grey clan. "Ana, kinda scolded me regarding Ryan. When we arrived at her quarters" giving me a stern look picking up on Mia's strong discord regarding accommodations for Ana "She had a strong dislike in my treatment of Ryan, whereas she told me bit of her past. Do you know she was living in Kenya when they bombed the embassy? I mean she was there in the building with her mom when the bombing occurred in Nairobi." Shaking her head as if getting rid of a nightmare "That's fucked up." sighing "Her dad was a diplomat there at the time. Well after that, they had security and no matter where they lived. Living in sanctioned diplomatic neighborhoods etcetera,even in England. Up until she turned eighteen and as she said by US government standards was legally an adult and no longer worthy of protecting. Well getting back to point, Anastasia said I treated him like a dog and I did so by saying when saying 'Heel Boy'." Ana was unrelenting saying there may not be a threat, that your brother is protecting his assets, like her father did with her. But that I shouldn't sour or demean his 'men' because they are there for a reason. But that your Men should no way actually interfere in what I do unless there is danger or possible threat heading my way." pausing as if trying to find the words. "Ryan actions towards me is that of a babysitter, I know everything gets reported back to you and that's NOT fucking fair."

Feeling the need to placate my kid sister. "Mia, you also know that Elliott has a guard and he never complains." Dismissing her words.

Boy, that was the wrong attitude towards Mia.

Gritting her teeth "We All know how Kate and Elliott got together. They met a club in downtown and for god's sake fucked in the alley that same night. So tell me big brother, did they report that to you or did your babysitters walk away?"

"Mia.... are you saying you want to fuck some stranger in the alley? I thought you were better than our man-whore brother."

"Shut up Chris. You treat me differently. I've lost two boyfriends because of this. No guys wants to date me. It's not your place in how I live in my life with my partners, you've gelded my boyfriends and clipped my wings. I have nothing to show that is considered a dating life. I live a life without spontaneity."

Angered by her words. "You've never complained before. So, has a little British bird been whispering in your ear? Making you turn against me?"

"Screw you. The only thing Ana said, and I should add, she's not British, is that their job is not to interject. I should be given the same respects as you do our brother." and with that Mia stands up. "Goodnight Brother. Oh yeah, in case your wondering. Tomorrow morning Ana and I will be taking one of the boats to some Ruins north of Mazatlan. Oh excuse me, they're not Ruins they are Petroglyphs and don't worry your pretty copper head, Ryan will be in tow." walking away.

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