The Past

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I can't believe Mia, then again, I can. She's aggressive when it comes to business but after that is where I shut her down and stomp all over her. Then walks in this waif and now she's speaking her mind. Hmmm her father's a diplomat. It's no wonder she's as clever as she is. No telling what there is to learn about her.

Quickly sending a text to Taylor relaying this information to Onyx, I sit back to watch the drunks come out to play, once again. I really can't take much more of my empty existence.

And I have Elena to blame for having conditioning, or the term used by Flynn 'grooming' to be had by her on me for so many years. But it took Leila eventually succeeding in committing suicide that opened my eyes to the depths of control Elena had over me and every submissive that had entered my life. After that I knew I had to take her down....destroy... completely annihilate her, destroying her connections in the BDSM community and those of when it came to Esclava.

Covertly outing her molestation of other young boys, which I was shocked by.

Leading to her prosecution and imprisonment and all this without laying a finger on her. To this day on the rare occasion will get a collect call from her from the Washington Corrections Center for Women or get jailhouse letter,which all are returned to the Big-House unopened.

The only person who knows about my part in taking down that evil witch is Carick and Taylor.

This is also how Taylor created a side business. His freelance crews that are hired, never work in groups. Since no one works together no lines are crossed. Just like now with Onyx, this man has connections. Hell, I just hope one day he doesn't retire to take this on full time since there now seems there is a demand for his services.

Lost in thought I feel the cushion on the couch next to me slightly sink, looking over is Nancy. Staring at me, my mind goes blank.

"Christian, I noticed none of your bags are in the suite."

Gritting my teeth. "You know how this arrangement works. Quit asking questions that you already have the answers to."

"I know but I'm not giving up on us, we were a real thing early on, then you got cold with me. I don't know what I did though I'm willing to make it work. This is the perfect opportunity. I mean look at our surroundings. Could this be anymore romantic?"

"Romance was never in the cards. It was a contract drawn up by our PR Department. The aspect that involved sex was agreed and have been handled between us two. Now we both know why you're still around. So don't come fluttering your eyes, you are here for the allowances provide. As I've said before and say again you are here for appearances Only" gritting my teeth, standing "This conversation is over and would rather not have this brought up again."

And with that I take my leave of the party retiring to the office's hideabed. I'm exhausted from my previous night with Anastasia and the day's events. How she managed to keep it together is beyond me. My last thoughts are of those of Ana and our highly fueled sex session. When I open my eyes it's to phone alarm that's set for six am. Putting on some sweats and tshirt a tshirtI make my way along the yacht to the workout center. It's so unbelievably quiet and there's no signs of, what I'm sure was a mess of a party last night. Everything is tidy and ready for a new day. Looking out I see we have docked in the waters of Mazatlan Mazatlan's largest marina and it seems some of the crew are setting up water toys for my guests to play with if they choose. Entering the gym I hit the treadmill and my mind goes blank.

Glancing over to the clock mounted on the wall it's 6:30 quickly hopping off the treadmill I wipe my sweaty face off with a towel tossing into the laundry basket, grabbing a fresh one and make my way toward the breakfast hall. I'm half expecting Ana to not be there yet am stunned to see her sitting in the open air lounge at a small table ready to greet the day. Next to her is a cup of coffee and she's going over a list of items with RauShe's l , looking rested. Her hair is pulled up into a tight ponytail that's braided, dressed in taupe cargo pants, a loose fitting shirt and an outer shell behind her chair. I hear Raul laughing and it chaps my ass. She must be flirting with him. I linger in the background watching them talk. It reminds me when we were at the resort, she has this ease about her that people gravitate towards.

As he near me

"Good morning Mr. Grey"

" 'morning Raul. I hope you are seeing to Miss Steele's needs." Sounding somewhat pissed.

"Yes, Sir. We are doing the best we can."

"What do you mean?"

'Well sir" opening up a folded piece of paper "Miss Steele has requested. Some butcher paper, crayons, a water bottle, masking tape or any, hairspray, a waterproof bag and real charcoal if we have it."

Looking confused at him, I grab the list thinking there might be some sort of flirt code and realize it's all written in Spanish. "Sir, Miss Steele would like the opportunity to do some rubbings if possible while at Las Labradas. Miss Steele is calling this her improvisational art kit."

Ahhhh the Art student in her. My curiosity is peaked. "Well I hope you can accommodate Miss Steele's needs."

"Surprisingly sir, I do believe we can see to almost all of her requests."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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