Absolute Zero Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Absolute Zero


Ana looked tired and the feeling that I brought this about in her. I haven't made it easy and yet she for the most part, kept a stiff upper lip. Going back to the windows I minimized while she was here, Anastasia Steele, does not live in the shadows. As a matter of fact, she is all over the place maximizing her media exposure. She has her own website displaying some of her works, a blog and a link's page that must contain at least fifty sites. Ranging from other artists, to travel, to other bloggers, to charitable organizations. I also note a contact by the name of Neville Chamberlain regarding her personal resume and information on past campaigns.

Her Twitter and Instagram had been updated right before Ryan's text to Taylor, showing some current photos of Africa, London's hustle while in the infamous Black-Cab and how she had a thirteen hour layover in Mexico City. Hitting up Teotihuacan for a few hours, then Frida's Casa Azul. That is before heading back to the airport with her final stop, which consisted eating some Street Food. Upon her arrival to Cabo, she went out meeting up with some musicians from Southern California, and her qiuping in a group photo how they need to tour the UK and Europe and that fucking rubs me the wrong way. They're all men. Young. Wild. Musician types. My initial vision is of her fucking them the night before she met me but I know that is not her style, plus her tone in the photos was chaste.

Yet, it's no fucking wonder she loves sleeping. How the fuck can someone keep up that pace without dropping flat on their face much less multitask?

Hearing a knock on the door I know it's Taylor "Enter."

Walking in closing the door behind him. "Sir, I have Onyx on hold."that was quicker than expected "Are you still wanting to gather the information you requested earlier regarding Miss Steele and her parents?"

"Yes. Save this Onyx, some time, pass on these details regarding Miss Steele." motioning to Taylor so he can see the internet pages I have up. "That'll save her some steps, getting back to me sooner."

Watching him hit unmute the phone "Onyx. Yes, proceed. We already have a few items that will aide. We want rapid results."

Scribbling down on a piece of paper "Don't forget Miss Steele attended U of Cambridge." Nodding at me, he continues talking on the phone while he relays the various links.

Blocking out Taylor I look at the security cameras and see Mia talking with her. Not taking my eyes off them, they seem to get along. There is no audio yet find it comforting to see Mia laughing. Knowing how, in spite of how things turned out between us, she doesn't seem to be holding a grudge against my sister. I like that.

Running my fingers through my hair. I handled this very fucking poorly by overreacting, and barking accusations, letting my paranoia get the best of me, spewing horrible words. Of course, it didn't entirely surprise me that Ana was none too shy when putting my ass in-check.

This girl.....

No, this woman.... Who came out of the blue, struck me like a bolt of lightning, having me spun upend. This woman cinched me by my short and curlies with an NDA was fucking solid, and as she said, neutral. She reviewed my NDA and covered my already existing clauses, ranging from overheard discussions to Proprietary, Intellectual Properties, Future Endeavors. Unlike my NDA that doesn't guarantee the other person's right to privacy or protection, therein I maintain absolute leverage, Anastasia returned the volley with the one thing she only thing she seems concerned about: and that is whatever transpired between us stays protected - That it can't be discussed in any way, shape or form. That any evidence, meaning my pics are to be deleted. Anastasia, wants all traces erased. Even going so far as to the actual wedding photos and how she would go through her attorney in London, contacting my In-house lawyers, sending me all original negatives, staking no claim or copyright. Adding that l would, at my discretion redistribute prints to both sides of the family.

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