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She stumbled through the night, frantically looking over her shoulder as she felt another's gaze. Her brown eyes found glowing red ones...staring back at her through the mist...and she ran. Dark laughter followed her as her footfalls echoed off the brick walls around her along with her cries for help.

She ran until her legs ached and it hurt to breathe; hot, stinging tears trickling down her cheeks in terror. She saw a escape from the horrors that followed her through the night. She stopped, breathing hard, and turned to look behind her... nothing...

She looked towards the gap, the sounds of people and

The girl looked behind her again...still nothing...and that couldn't be good.

She turned, took two steps towards safety, and froze. The mist thickened slightly, but she could still make out the tall, dark figure with glowing red eyes ten yards away. She blinked once. He was no longer ten yards away...he was right in front of her.

The man smiled a sinister, deadly sweet smile, his hand gently caressing her face for a moment before he took a fistful of her hair and dragged her forward. She shoved against him fruitlessly as his warm breath trickled down her neck.

"I told you not to run..." he murmured sadistically.

An ambulance siren screeched loudly past the gap that would have been her escape as he sank his teeth into the soft flesh of her neck. No one heard her strangled scream, or saw the lights in her eyes dim and extinguish. But, most importantly, no saw the man simply vanish into the if nothing had ever happened...

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