A chair, rope, and an open door

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I apologise for taking so bloody long to update this, I've been working on stories with and_yeah. So, here's a nice long chapter for you guys! Love to you all!


Chapter 4 – A chair, rope, and an open door

When Arianna awoke, there were several things she noticed that seemed wrong with the picture being painted around her. First, the rope trying her hands behind the chair she was sitting on was nowhere near as tight as it should be, second, she was sitting in a circle of light facing a door, and third, that door was lit up like the fourth of July…and open. The only convincing thing about her current situation was that she could tell she’d been stripped of any and all weapons.

“You know…” she began, lifting her head up and looking around, trying to see what might be lurking in the dark. “The whole ‘tie her to a chair in a circle of light’ thing…it’s kinda been done before…”

“You’d have preferred waking up tied to a bed?” she heard Ricky laugh and rolled her eyes.

“Probably more comfy…but are we still talking rope? Or going all out with cuffs?” Arianna smirked slightly as Chris and Marilyn stepped into the light. “So…there you are.”

“For someone who’s tied up and surrounded by male vampires…you seem remarkable calm, Dhampir.” Chris chuckled darkly.

“I would’ve said cocky myself.” Arianna flicked her head to try and get her hair out of her face. “And, how did you know?”

“Marilyn’s a fair deal older than you think.” Chris smirked. “He could smell it on you even with the stasis spray…who gave that to you by the way?”

“None of your damn business.” Arianna glared up at him, shifting her hands slightly, loosening her bonds.

Chris ‘tsk’d’ her. “You’re not wearing it tonight either… meaning Kelly is in on it… taking a few risks are we?” he chuckled and knelt in front of her. “Dhampir blood is… stronger…and you’re even rarer, love… seeing as your mother was a Hunter…”

“Yeah, yeah, two strong bloodlines makes for one hell of an aphrodisiac.” Arianna rolled her eyes. “I’ve had this explained to me.”

“Yes, unfortunately your parents died before they could guide you through this life…so that side of you is mainly repressed…shame really…” Arianna turned her head and glared at Ricky as he stepped into the light to her left.

“Mmm… the hunter part of you hates whatever of you is vampyre…” Arianna shuddered at the way Marilyn spoke the word with such majesty.

“Both sides come in handy.” Arianna shrugged, her hands beginning to come free of the ropes.

“But your human side…the Hunter side…” Ricky whispered in her ear, suddenly right behind her. “It makes you vulnerable…particularly to our talents…”

“Your supposed thrall…” Arianna sighed in exasperation. “Go on then…make me swoon…

“Bad move dearie…” she heard Ryan say, his voice tight. “I don’t think she knows…”

“She doesn’t…” Marilyn’s eyes glinted a little as she looked at him in confusion. “I…gave you a little something…it lets me into your head.” He smirked as she growled. “So…I know about your cousin the werewolf, that you’re wishing you’d gone with Kelly… and how attractive you think certain individuals around you are…”

“But are they the right ones?” Chris asked, still kneeling in front of her. She tried taking a peek into his mind but found she couldn’t. “That serum keeps you out of our heads and lets Marilyn into yours…sorry love.”

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