Lessons in Obedience

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Chapter 5 – Lessons in Obedience

Arianna was having a nightmare, thrashing around and cringing away from anyone who tried to touch her. Screaming and crying as she struggled against our efforts to calm or wake her. Marilyn and Kuza sprinted into the room, the bedroom door smacking loudly against the wall as they entered.

“What’s happened?” Kuza shouted over her screams.

“She was sleeping soundly a moment ago!” Ricky replied as he tried to hold her arms down. “Geeze…she’s stronger than I thought…fuck!” he yelled as he got smacked in the face. “Hope I never piss her off…”

“She’s having a nightmare.” Marilyn stated bluntly, cringing at whatever he saw in her mind. “Let her go…let her fall out of the bed…the fall will wake her.”

“Screaming in her face didn’t wake her!” Chris snapped back as he tried to talk to Arianna while she thrashed in her sleep.

“You want her to injure herself?” Marilyn asked with a shrug. “Or do you want her to wake up?” he watched the others reactions carefully and nodded. “Let her fall.”

Ricky stood, grimacing as Arianna slipped from Chris’s grasp and, with one last fearful cry, tumbled out of the bed; her eyes snapping open as she landed at his feet. Ricky knelt down beside her, frowning when she cringed back from him. “Ari…” he trailed off as he saw her eyes focus properly, searching the room frantically. “It was just a dream, love…calm yourself.”

“Because that always helps.” Marilyn chuckled lightly as he sat on the bed and pulled Arianna up beside him; holding her as she shook and looked at each of them warily. “She’s scared again…” Marilyn frowned.

“Of us?” Chris asked.

“We’ve done nothing…” Kuza frowned as he leant down and trailed his fingers through Arianna’s hair lightly, trying to comfort her.

“If you’d dreamt what she just did, you’d be scared of us too.” Marilyn replied through clenched teeth.

“Let her lie down…” Chris said softly, gently pulling her back onto the bed more. “She’ll curl up and be warm and safe…trust me…it works.” Chris nodded to Ricky, getting him to help her lie down on her side between himself and Chris.

Marilyn sighed softly, ushering Kuza out of the room and going downstairs with him. Slowly, Arianna calmed down, stretching out between Chris and Ricky as she relaxed more. A soft gasp escaped her lips as Ricky nipped gently at the back of her neck, trying to distract her from her fears; chucking when she moaned and then hid her face in Chris’s chest.

Angelo appeared by the still open door. “Should you do that after she’s had a night terror?’

Ricky snarled quietly. “None of your business…go and see to your own mate!”

“I…think Angelo is right…” Arianna swallowed, clinging to Chris as he ran his fingers through her hair. “Trying to make me less scared by doing something pleasurable might not…help…plus…I don’t think I’m…I’m ready to, um…’

Ricky curled a finger under her chin, turning her head so she’d look at him. “Are you challenging my authority over you, my dear?”

Arianna narrowed her eyes at Ricky. “Authority?” she glowered as she sat up a little and turned to glare at him. “I’m not property.’

“Careful dear, disobedience is punishable…” Ricky warned through clenched teeth, his hand tightening on her hip.

Arianna attempted to shove him away, cringing at the pain in her chest as she did so; glaring crossly at Ricky. “Fuck you.”

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