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Chapter 3 – Running

She shivered at the eerie, disembodied laughter that came out of the mist. As she took two steps back from Marilyn, his eyes glinted wickedly. “Run, little girl…run…”

Arianna knew how this worked. They liked to play with their food…but she didn’t really have much of a choice. So, she ran. She pelted down the street, the mist following her just as they did. Home wouldn’t be much safer than out here…so all she could do was run…and hide…if they didn’t catch her first.

Arianna could feel her lungs beginning to burn from lack of oxygen as she ran, the fear induced adrenaline rushing through her veins spurring her on even though she could barely breathe. She heard dark laughter and slowed slightly, uncertain as to the direction the sound had come from. A dark figure loomed out of the fog ahead of her and she stopped dead; she reached beneath her skirt and pulled her fathers’ old hunting knife from where she’d strapped it to her thigh.

“You wanna play that game? Huh?” she glared at the mist, eyes darting everywhere. “Come on then!”

“Ooh…she wants to play.” Someone’s voice whispered through the air around her.

A dark chuckle followed, making Arianna shiver. “Ah, but she doesn’t understand the game yet…”

Arianna froze, feeling a presence behind her and spun, slashing the hand that had reached out towards her. “Going for when their back is turned is a dodge move by the way.” Arianna sneered. “And weren’t you ever told not to play with your food?”

“Who said you were just food?” a voice laughed.

“Maybe you’re food…”

“Maybe you’re fun…”

“Maybe you’re gifted…”

“Maybe we just want to watch you run!”

“That’s it?” Arianna blanched at their words, Marilyn becoming visible through the mist again. “I’m sport?!”

“Oh…if only you knew the sport… Dhampir…” Marilyn chuckled darkly.

Arianna’s eye grew wide. “How…” she began but Marilyn placed a finger against his lips and she went silent; instinctively backing up more.

He smiled wickedly. “Go on…run…”

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run run…” The disembodied voices sung eerily. “Here comes the farmer with his gun, gun, gun…

Arianna ran, sprinting away into the mist as the voices followed her, taunting her…street lights going out as she ran past them. Now and then a dark, shadowy figure would loom out of the mist, changing her direction.

As another figure appeared, blocking the rout she’d meant to take, a thought occurred to Arianna. ‘They’re herding me…’ her expression turned to one of horror. She turned on the spot and saw the door to a recently abandoned building in her area across the road. She ran towards it, her hand closing around the handle as another eerie laugh filled the air around her. She turned the handle…it was unlocked. Someone grabbed her shoulder and spun her to face them…

“Tired yet?” Arianna gulped as she looked up at Marilyn.

“Not by a long shot.” She glared; her hand still on the doorknob behind her.

“Too bad you’ve nowhere left to run.” Her eyes darted towards a smirking Ricky Horror.

“You wanna know why it’s a bad idea to chase me?” Arianna sneered. “You wanna know why I survive?”

Ricky took a step forward, a sinfully sweet smile tripping across his features. “Why?”

Arianna turned the doorknob. “Coz it’s a bad idea to back your victims up against…” she spun into the room behind her, slamming and locking the door in their shocked faces. “A door.”

“Find a way in!” She heard Marilyn and Ricky yelled together.

“The roof!” she heard Chris Motionless yell and then jumped as she heard thumps on the roof.

Arianna knew the building well. Under the stairs was the way to the basement…and there was a back way out from there. She dashed through the door under the stairs, closing it silently before pelting through the dark basement to the old back exit. She felt her heart drop as she saw the chains and padlock now locking that exit shut.

She looked up as she heard them yelling. “She’s not here!”


Arianna looked at the small window beside the old exit…she could fit…did she have time? She jumped up onto the workbench nailed to the wall in front of the window, climbing up to it as she heard them running down the stairs into the basement. She looked back as they ran in and saw her, racing towards her as she jumped half launching herself through the window. She was very nearly out when one of them grabbed her foot.

Arianna screamed as they tried to pull her back inside, kicking back at them wildly. She felt her foot connect with someone’s face and they let her go. She dragged herself out and sprung to her feet, pelting away down the street as they climbed out after her one by one.

She saw lights, civilisation, people…safety…and then the fog rolled out in front of her; the mouse finally caught in the trap.

“I’m not afraid of you!” she yelled, but falsely; a tear trickling down her cheek as she spun towards a figure in her periphery.

It was Marilyn. “Really?” he asked then looked slightly behind her.

An arm wrapped around her shoulders as a cloth covered her mouth and nose. Arianna screamed again as she smelt chloroform…and then the world went black.


Another chapter as requested ;)

So sorry this took so long guys...hopefully it's alright. The good stuff's coming up now ;)

Comment, vote, etc., my lovelies!

Much love,


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