Chapter 1: Losing family and something else.

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      John was seven years old with divorced parents. He was spending the weekend with his father and his six year old sister. They were on their way back from the movie theater after watching two movies, Beauty and the Beast and Monsters Inc.

      "I can't believe you cried at the end of both of the movies," exclaimed his sister. "You're more of a baby than I am!" "Shut up. I'm an emotional person," whined John as his cheeks flushed red. "Don't pick on your brother. It's not nice," His dad said with a sarcastic voice but with a stern look on his face. "Fine. It's not as much fun when I'm tired. You're safe for now big bro," his sister said.

     Still about an hour away from their father's house, John and his sister were both asleep when an eighteen-wheeler's horn could be heard, his father screaming and then a sudden crash. Seconds later, he regained consciousness. The only thing he felt was a piercing pain. He struggled to look down towards his feet to see what was causing him such pain. All he saw was a large chunk of glass that was driven through a section of his lower body with the wound gushing blood. He also saw a huge piss spot on his pants with an odd feeling on his ass. Everything started to feel fuzzy as he heard sirens echoing in the distance.

     When he regained consciousness again, all he saw was the roof of an ambulance and an oxygen mask on his face. People were doctoring up the wound and one person was on the phone. The blood had clotted in his ears so he couldn't hear what was being said But there was only one thing on his mind. Where was his dad and sister? He began to worry, trying to get the people's attention to ask them but he couldn't. The lack of blood made it hard to move or talk. He relaxed and blacked back out in a matter of seconds, still worried if his dad and sister were OK.

    After waking back up, he could hear his mother talking to the doctor. "Ma'am, we're so sorry about your ex husband and daughter. We weren't able to save them in time," the doctor explained to his mother. "Well, how's my son," His mom asked wiping tears away from her eyes. John began to sit up, noticing something unusual. His movements resulted in a greatly audible crinkle.

     He pulled back the hospital bed's sheets to reveal a diaper. It was blue with a dog paw print design on it and looked quite childish. He noticed one other thing, and it was that the diaper was wet, He had pissed himself while he slept. "Well miss, the shard of glass that was driven into your son's lower body has left him with serious incompetents. Your son will most likely have bladder and bowel control issues for the rest of his life unless scientists finally find a way to repair a damaged bladder and damaged bowels. I'm sorry ma'am," the doctor said with the typical doctor's bad news face. "The  main change is that your son will have to wear diapers as long as he's incompetent. You will have to help him change his diapers." John's face flushed of all color as he heard what the doctor said. His concern took control as he began to ask, "I'm gonna have to wear diapers for the rest of my life? What am I gonna do for school? What will my friends think? What if people at school found out?" 

                                                                             To be continued...

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