Chapter 3:From Friends to Enemies

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"John, You have a visitor. They say they aren't family but that you've been friends for a long time," the doctor said through the door.


Andrew was an old friend of John's who had issues with people who were different. If he found out that John was in diapers, he would make fun of him and tell everyone at school about his issue. He would have no friends. He would be the laughing stock of the whole school. He would be trapped in a nightmare set on repeat.

John pushed the pack of diapers the nurse left under his bed and Brice did the same. "Come in," John said as he straitened out his covers. The doctor let Andrew in and He sat down in the chair beside John. "How have you been. I heard you got in a car accident. Your dad must be stupid," Andrew said as he began to text someone."I'm doing fine. I've made a new friend since I got in here. His name's Brice," John said as he pulls his covers up more to hide any chance of his diaper being visible.

"Nice to meet a friend of john's," Brice said and sat up to shake his hand. And just when he sat up, crinkling could be heard and the top of his diaper was visible. "Ha. Look at the baby. What? Did your mommy and daddy not potty train you yet," mocked Andrew as Brice began to cry, his eyes changing to a midnight black. "Aw, look. Little baby's crying. What happened? did you wet your diaper," prodded Andrew as Brice was fully crying now, tears streaming down his face.

"Leave him alone! It's not his choice. He has a bladder infection that is causing him to have bladder control issues. Do you think he'd choose to be stuck like this? It's not fun to have to deal with," exclaimed John as he gave Andrew a death stare, awaiting his answer. "What do you know? You have a perfectly normal life and he is nothing but a freak. I'm just..." Andrew said when John blew up on him. "You don't even know what we've had to deal with! I care for others even if they are different. He's in diapers? So what! He's just as normal as anyone else I know. And if you consider him a freak, then I'm a freak too and I'm proud of it," John yelled and stood up, revealing his diaper to Andrew and then continuing. "I know what it's like because I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life! When the accident happened, I had a large shard of glass stab though my bladder and bowels, causing permanent damage to both and leaving me incontinent. I don't enjoy living like this either but we have to deal with it. If you have an issue with people who are different, then you can leave right now and never talk to me again. I've found a better friend who accepts me for who I am. Now choose."

Andrew stood there in shock at John's actions for a few seconds then responded. "Fine you freak. I don't want anything to do with a diaper wetting and messing baby." After he walked out, John walked over to Brice and sat down beside him. He wiped the tears off of Brice's cheeks and gave him a hug. He noticed that both him and Brice needed a change so he called a nurse in.

Time flew as John and Brice spent the next few weeks together having fun and hanging out. They both got told when they were getting to leave the hospital. There times were one day apart and John got to leave first. When that day came, John gathered his things and gave Brice a hug. He insisted that they trade addresses so they can keep in touch. A bit of the address sounded familiar but he hurried out so he could hug his mom. They got in the car and on the way home, John told his mom about his time in the hospital, the issue with Andrew, and his new friend Brice.

"It sounds like you had a good time. I told you that that Andrew kid was a bad apple and wasn't a true friend though. So this new friend of yours, did you get his address so you can keep in touch?" He shook his head and showed his mom Brice's address.

"Sweety, your new friend Brice lives just down our road."

To be Continued...

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