Chapter 6: An Unexpected Surprise/ Public Issues Part 3

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Turning around to see who said the mean comment, they saw who they never wanted to again.


"Well, well, well. I didn't think of seeing you two babies here," said Andrew, the two others with him laughing at his comment. Brice and John turned away to try to ignore them but they kept up the taunts. "What do you want Andrew," asked John, irritation rising in his voice. "Oh. Does the big baby want us to leave? Why should we listen to a stupid baby," said the boy to the right of Andrew. He was a tall, hefty kid with dark brown hair wearing basketball shorts, a blue shirt, and a tattered, stained gray hoodie. The other kid was also tall with black hair and dark skin, wearing torn blue jeans and a tank-top. The kid with brown hair was known as Corey and the kid with black hair was named Bailey.

Brice and John continued trying to ignore them but to no avail. The bullies continued trying to mess with them. After a minute or two, John said, "Come on Brice. Let's go find something else to do." As the two boys tried to walk off, Andrew and the two other boys grabbed a hold of them. "I think these babies aren't dressed right. We should help them out. After all, babies can't dress themselves. Someone has to help them," said Andrew as Corey pinned Brice to the ground as did Bailey to John. As the two boys struggled, Andrew ripped Brice's shoes off and threw them to the side and then pulled off his pants, leaving him in nothing but a shirt, socks, and a diaper. He then followed the same process with John. When Andrews lackeys let the two boys up, they grabbed their cloths and ran down the road, too fast for the two boys to catch them.

Brice stood there, tears streaming down his cheeks. John walked over and pulled him into a hug to try to calm down his crying friend. After a few minutes, Brice's crying had reduced to sniffles and ocational hiccups. John glanced at Brice's face to see purplish streaks leading down his face. He silently pondered about it for a second until he saw an embarrassed look on Brice's face. He had an accident and tried to hide it but was ultimately failing.

John helped Brice up and began to walk with him back to Jane and Ryan. As he did, every kid on the playground laughed at them and made fun of them. When they were finally in view of Jane and Ryan, they shot off of the bench and darted straight to them, hugging them and making sure they were ok. Ryan lifted Brice off of the ground and held him close to him, noticing the streaks on his face and the fact that he needed to be changed. Brice hugged into Ryan and they all headed back to the car.

When they got back to the car, Ryan changed Brice and got him settled in the vehicle while looking for a pair of pants for the two kids. He searched through the diaper bag, the back of the vehicle, and inside the floor compartments but to no avail, not managing to find any. "I wasn't able to find any pants. I think we may have to stop by the store to buy a pair," said Ryan. "We're too far from the house to also be able to make it to the movie so we don't really have another choice. I hope you two will be ok going into a store in your current state," asked Jane, worried for the two kids.

When they arrived at Wal-mart, Ryan and Jane got out, helped John and Brice out, got a buggy, and set them in the buggy. On their way into the store, people stared and wispered about Brice and John as they tried to hide their faces. At the door, a 19 year old girl greeted them and notices Brice and John. "Welcome to Wal-Mart. And who are these two little guys," asked the girl, kneeling down to look at them. "This is Brice and this is John," said Jane, signing to them when she said their names. "They're adorable. My name is Kate. If you ever need a babysitter, I'd love to do it. I already know how to deal with diapers so that's something you wouldn't have to worry about," she said, standing back up and facing Jane and Ryan. They looked at eachother and then back to her. "Sure. That's kinda convenient since I was gonna need one next week. I have a business meeting so that would be great,"said Jane with a big smile. "That would be great. Here's my number so you can contact me for any reason," said Kate as she scratched a phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Jane. "Well, as long as you're fine with babysitting John, do you think you Brice could join you two," asked Ryan. Kate smiled and said, "Sure. Well, I don't wanna take up anymore of your time. Have a good day and i'll see you next week."

They headed into the boys clothes section and began looking for some pants that would fit while getting wierd looks from the other customers. They found some and headed to the checkout where there was close to no line. When they got to the front and began to check out, the cashier kept mumbling under her breath. John heard her say, "Stupid diapered brats. How hard is it to potty train your kid, or at least dress them right." "Mis. Do you have a problem with me and my child," asked Jane in an upset tone. "Yes. I do. Every day, I see parents like you who walk in here with their kids who obviously weren't raised right. Wearing diapers even though they're too old, not dressed properly, and other things that drive me crazy," said the cashier rudely. Brice began to cry and John tried to comfort him, at the verge of crying himself. Jane noticed this and to avoid making things worse, she took a deep breath and asked to see a manager. She had a talk and explained everything to the manager. He was nice and considerate, listening to the entire story. He talked to the cashier and desided to suspend her for two months without pay. He apologized for the cashier's actions and they left the store. When they got back to the vehicle, John and Brice got properly dressed and buckled in the car as did Ryan and Jane.

They left the parking lot and headed to the movie theatre. When they arived, they got tickets for 'Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lighting Thief'. The movie went great and when it was over, both John and Brice were almost asleep. They got out to the vehicle and started heading home, both of the kids looking forward to spending the night together.

To Be Continued...

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