Author's notes.

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Hey everybody. I know close to no one reads this and I've been getting rude, hateful messages about my stories, especially about this one. People keep saying that "You should stop writing crappy stories and just kill yourself!"(actual quote from one of the people without the gramattical mistakes and cussing)

I hate the fact that people desire to read something they hate just so they can be rude about it. I'm gonna put some at the bottom so you can see what people have been saying about me and my friend I will also include their cussing but I refuse to leave their spelling errors.

On a different note, for those who like this story, I got a picture of my friend John and he finally agreed to let me put it on here even though he was extremely embarrassed about it. Here it is.

He's a great person so don't be mean to him

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He's a great person so don't be mean to him. That's all for now. Now for the messages I was talking about.

"You stupid gay fuck. Stop writing about your failed love life."

"Anyone who wears diapers should just kill themselves. Do the world a favor."

"Go kill you self you broken fucker. People like you are the reason mankind is failing as a race."

"People like you are the reason the kids of this generation are fucked up. Kill yourself."

"I support the bullies in the story. People like you are made for us to make fun of."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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