Chapter 4: An Unexpected Surprise/Public Issues part 1

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   "Sweety, your new friend Brice lives just down our road."  As those words left his mother's mouth, John lit up. His new friend lived just down the road. He has a friend who knows about his issue that he can visit. Maybe this wasn't gonna be so bad after all.

   When they pulled into the driveway, his mom got out of the car and helped John out. She unlocked the front door and before opening it, she keeled down and looked John in the eyes. "Sweety. I'm gonna go ahead and warn you that your new issue will change your life drastically. With that being said, there has been a change to your room to help accommodate to your new state," his mother said with a sightly worried look on her face.

   She opened the door and john walked in, placed his cloths in the laundry room, and proceeded up the stairs to his bedroom. When he entered, he noticed one thing had changed. There was a fully stocked changing table in the corner of the room. It had baby powder, baby wipes, and two cabinets. One had the same kind as from the hospital and the other had GoodNites.

   His mother is now standing in the doorway. "Sorry if it's in the way. I tried my best to put where it'd inconvenience us the least," she said with a slightly worried look on her face. John walked over and gave his mom a hug. "Momma. It's fine how it is. It's something that will help both you and me. It's not gonna bother me in the least," John said as he began to blush.

   John spent the rest of his day watching T.V., playing video games, and playing in the back yard with the occasional diaper change throughout the day. That night at dinner, his mom wanted to tell him something. "Well, as a celebration of you being so accepting of your new condition, I want to go out to do something fun. I also have a surprise for you tomorrow that I think you'll enjoy." John finished dinner, took a shower, brushed his teeth, and prepared for bed. He got changed into one of his GoodNites and a pair of Power Ranger pajamas, climbed into his bed, and was out like a light.

   The next morning he woke up, took a shower, changed into one of his day time diapers, and helped his mom put together a diaper bag for the day. She filled a backpack with baby powder, baby wipes, changing mat, and a large amount of diapers. She then placed in more diapers  but they weren't his. Was this part of the secret she was talking about?

   Just then, a quiet knock could be heard from the front door. John's mom had a large smile plastered on her face as she left the room, signaling John to follow. They reached the front door and John's mom went to open the door. On the other side of the door was something John would've never expected. It was...

                                                    To be continued in part 2...                      

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