Chapter 5: An Unexpected Surprise /Public Issues part 2

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   John's mom went to open the door. On the other side of the door was something John would've never expected. It was...  

               Brice and Ryan.

   This was what his mother meant by a big surprise. She invited John's new friend with the same issue to join them on the outing. Brice ran up an hugged John and Ryan gave John's mom a handshake, walking in and closing the door.

   "I can't believe we lived so close and didn't know it," exclaimed Brice, loosening his grip around John after noticing that he couldn't breath. "He's not just coming with,  he's spending the night," John's mother said as both of the kids stared over at her with their mouths gaping open. "Is this true Ryan? If so, I didn't pack anything," Brice looked slightly concerned. "I took care of everything while you were taking your bath," Ryan said with a large grin plastered across his face.

   "Well, why don't you two go up to John's room and prepare while we get Brice's stuff out of the vehicle," said John's mom. The two friends ran up the stairs and up into John's room, closing the door behind them.

   They talked for a few minutes and then they dropped silent. At some point, they both had an accident and didn't notice it. They both nervously opened the bedroom door and began to slowly walk down the hallway. When they began to walk down the stairs, they noticed that Ryan and Jane (John's mom. She's now gonna be called by her name, Mrs. Williams, or by John, mom.) weren't in the living room. They finished walking down the stairs and looked around. They weren't there.

   John began to feel itchy and knew if he didn't get changed soon, he would get a bad rash. Brice noticed this and also felt the same. Brice put his hand on John's shoulder, looked him in the eyes, and told him in a kind voice, "I have an idea. It may sound weird but promise to hear me out. We both need a change. You know that. Well, I've had to take care of my baby cousin before and know how to change a diaper." "What?! No," John said, interrupting Brice. "Just hear me out. I don't like it just as much as you but it is needed. also, it's not like it's anything i haven't seen. we shared a hospital room for a month." John finally gave in and agreed to it. (We're leaving the details out for the comfort of readers and to save me and John the embarrassment.) 

   They sat there for about another hour after the change waiting for Ryan and Jane to return. When they finally got back, John and Brice explained what happened and asked why they were gone. "I'm so sorry. We needed to buy more supplies. We're so sorry we didn't check on you two before we left," apologized Jane. 

   They all went, got dressed, grabbed their supplies, got in the car, and left for their day out. Both Brice and John were worried slightly because their diapers were slightly visible but brushed it off like it was nothing.

Their first stop was the town park. When they arrived, John and Brice ran off to the swings while Ryan and Jane found somewhere to sit. John and Brice hopped on the swings and were having fun until they heard some kids behind them laughing.

   "Hey look at the two little babies having fun on the swings." 

   Turning around to see who said the mean comment they saw who they never wanted to again.


     To be continued in part 3...

John's issue.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang