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"I have something to show you once we get to our house," I told Junmyeon, turning down the radio. "What is it?" "It's a surprise." "Aw, come on. Please tell me," he begged. "Nope," I replied, pursing my lips. "Fine. Be like that." He crossed his arms across his chest, and pouted like a kid who didn't get their way. "Don't be such a baby. We're almost home anyways," I said, playfully pinching his side.

Junmyeon's P.O.V.

We pulled up into her driveway and got out of the car. "Come on, babe!" she laughed, pulling me by my hand. "Alright, alright. What is it that you wanted to show me?" I asked as we made our way into the woods. "I wanted to show you this treehouse I found in the woods behind our place," she answered as we made our way into the woods. She stopped and looked up, so I followed her gaze. A treehouse.

"Do you think anybody lives there?" (y/n) questioned, holding my hand. "Looks like it," I answered in hopes that she wouldn't want to go find out. "Let's go see to make sure then." (y/n) began to climb the ladder. That was the complete opposite of what I wanted to hear. "Last one there's a rotten egg." she chuckled, climbing with speed.

"Please be careful!" I cautioned as she neared the treehouse. "Don't worry about me. Worry about being a rotten egg." I climbed up, pulling myself onto the edge of the treehouse. "Whoa." "What is it?" I asked, making my way into the large wooden house. (y/n) was in a corner, rummaging through a trunk. A huge map of the world was on one of the worn out walls. Pins were placed at all kinds of different locations.

On another wall, Polaroid photos of famous places were hung up on a string. One of the pictures had a woman in it with long caramel hair and brown eyes. Another photo had the same woman in it, but she was also holding a baby. There was a desk full of books, a journal, pens, and a globe. I sauntered over to check things out up close.

Your P.O.V.

Glancing up at Junmyeon, I noticed how amazing he looked in this lighting. The sun that came through outlined his figure. His skin was glowing. After my staring session, I continued looking through the huge trunk on the floor. It was full of books. Some of them were traveling books, others were full of poems, and many were quite popular books. To Kill A Mockingbird, Of Mice & Men, The Catcher in the Rye.

"(y/n), come look at this." Junmyeon was sitting on the floor with what looked like a journal in his hands. I minced over, sitting by his side. The once black smooth cover of the journal was worn down with cracks running through some parts.

Junmyeon's P.O.V.

I opened to the first page of the journal and read aloud.

August 6, 1966

Today, I will be taking a plane to Italy. I'm staying there for a couple of months, and can't wait to experience the culture, take in the sights and smells, and add some new photos to my collection.

August 7, 1966

I've finally arrived in Italy. Everything here is so beautiful. The buildings make you feel like you've been sent back in time. One word that sum Italy, masterpiece.

October 8, 1966

Today I met the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her caramel hair flowed like the ocean in the wind. Her sweet brown eyes scanned the book she was reading. Even if it took my entire lifetime, I was going to make her mine.

October 10, 1966

I did it. I asked her out on a date. We went to a small hidden coffee shop. It turns out she grew up here in Italy. Her name is Sophia. Just looking at this woman makes my heart melt. I know for a fact that I am in love with her.

April 3, 1967

I married the love of my life. She makes me the happiest man on the planet. I will always remember the look on her face when I got down on one knee, and opened up the tiny box that held our future.

January 27, 1969

Sophia gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. His name is Phillip Mason St.Cloud. He's the most precious bundle of joy I have ever laid eyes upon.

March 16, 1969

Sophia has fallen very ill. We are not sure what the cause is, but I know she will get better. She has to. We have a baby boy to raise and be there for.

March 30, 1969

I took Sophia to the doctor. It turns out she has cancer, and was told she had only a few months to live. Even though my heart is in so much pain, I will make Sophia's last moments on earth the best ones of her life.

June 5, 1969

She's gone. My one and only true love is gone. I held her in my arms as she looked up at me and used her last breath of life to say that she loved me. I don't know how I can go on without my love.

January 27, 1972

It is Phillip's third birthday. He asked me why mommy wasn't here with us to celebrate this special day. I don't know if I can keep going on with this hurt.

May 20, 1972

I can't do it anymore. Sophia's death makes my heart ache everyday. I sent Phillip away to Sophia's parents. I am sorry to my baby boy, Phillip. Sorry that he isn't going to have a normal life as he grows older. The thoughts of why he was abandoned like this. But it will all be over soon. I will be with you once again, my love.

I closed the journal, warm tears dripping down my cheeks. (y/n) had her face buried in the sleeves of her sweater. I picked (y/n) up and then set her down on my lap, wrapping my arms around her waist. I kissed her forehead and rocked back and forth for comfort. I held her, not wanting to let go. Just like in the journal, this woman is my world. She is my everything, and never do I ever want anything bad to happen to her. I will always try to protect her. No matter what.

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