2. us

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Let me elaborate on this.

It started one night while we were in high school. That one night when I felt lonely and sad and alone and unloved. But I didn't tell you. I just texted you that I'm coming over.

At 4am.

And even though we had to wake up at 7 the next morning, you let me sneak in to your room from your window, and laughed while I failed the first couple times.

"When did your window become so small?"

"My window is not small Scotty, you are tall and uncoordinated."

And we sat there and talked and watched spongebob. And I didn't need to talk to you about how I felt because you already knew.

You always already know.

It's the same way we always share a bed, the same way we share clothes, the same way I held you when you got through your first break up. And the same way it didn't feel weird when you came out to me and I came out to you.  It's the same way you held me and helped me to go to bed and helped me shower when I broke my leg.

No one would batt and eyelid when they saw us hug at random parts of the day. No one would care about the way your small hands held on tightly to the back of my t-shirt. Maybe a little to tightly and a little too long for it to be friendly.

Because we're just Scott and Mitch.

And that's "just the way we are".

Because we're "always platonic".

Is kissing you still under the "always platonic" thing Mitch?

Because lord know how much I want to do it.

The second thing I fell in love with was us.

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